Yep, and it was in stereo. But the best was when I had dropped into a hospital and while I was in a single person waiting area, I leaned back on the couch and closed my eyes. Then, in the middle of the darkness of my vision, was a bright picture of a live TV news cast (sound was present as well). It was amazing. After getting back home, I watched the news and everything was exactly the same as what I saw/heard while at the hospital hours earlier.
Naturally I kept that little experience to myself for many years.
Years ago I used to hear music and I miss it to death. It was the most vivid most beautiful music I have ever heard in my entire life. If there is a heaven it came from there.
about a year and a half ago i decided to schedule an apptment with my psychologist to see if i had another mental illness and a few days before the appt i heard 2 woman talking like they were at a concert and the music was like a type of rock n roll and it was coming out of or from my fan in the room so i recorded video of it and when i woke up the next day and saw it it was just the fan blowing air
up until my abilify was upped to 15mg i heard music internally in my head very very commonly, or like valiumprincess said random strings of noises or a random phrase with no meaning. upping the abilify seems to have nipped it in the bud for the most part though, i only occasionally hear it now. I have an ASD too so maybe its that, but then again antipsychotics seem to have helped it so maybe its a psychotic thing
Before I started hearing voices, I would hear weird freaky instrumental music, like circus music but stranger, if I had been up too long on speed. And at certain times I had been off meds for a while, I would attach weird significance to the lyrics of music I listened to, thinking the songs were written specifically for me and other stuff. But I can’t think of any time I actually heard music that wasn’t actually being played after I came down with schizophrenia. But I’ve forgotten a lot of stuff, so I could be mistaken.
I am new here… and this is my first time responding here…
I have heard music as long as I remember…. But I never really attached that to a much later diagnosis of schizophrenia… I have no memory of me not being able to play the piano…. I could read and write music long before I could read text/books… and yes… I heard music that others couldn’t hear…. but ….I was able to write… some of it at least… down for others to hear…. I can’t say it was anything like a masterpiece or exceptionally good haha…. But for a young child without any kind of real schooling in this kind of composing …complicated pieces for a symphonic orchestra with multiple instruments… it was kind of a big thing…. If that makes sense… In my early teen years however seeing colors… like floating around somehow… became part of this too…. It’s not an easy thing to explain though…
I am 53 years old now…. And although I have a long story of traumatic events… mental illness and many different diagnosis… I wasn’t diagnosed with Schizophrenia until very late in life… or when I was 46…. I do still hear music and sometimes the colors too… but It’s much harder for me to make anything of it… or write it down…. I can still write or compose…but nothing close to what I was able to do as a child….
i used to hear music, usually songs from my childhood tv shows, “every day when your walking down the street every body that ya meet…” etc. in hindsight it wasn’t an audio hallucination, it was me not being able to produce planned speech as a result of poverty of thought, so my brain was trying to produce something. it searched back in my memory and started playing songs. for quite a while i couldn’t even put two words together to make a sentence.