Does anyone else take a Beta Blocker?

I’ve been on Toprol XL for years.
It’s a Beta Blocker that treats high blood pressure.
My doctor prescribed it to me also because of my anxiety and fast heart rate.

I may need to reduce the dosage because now my pulse rate has been running low.

Anyone else on a Beta Blocker?

For a while I was on propranolol e for my anxiety. My blood pressure is normal, perhaps on the low side which was a concern for the doctors and nurses.

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I might need one. My heart rate is like 120 resting.

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yeah, I’m on propranolol. works great for anxiety but I also understand the reservations or doubts your having because of the blood pressure issue. It is doing the same for me. I believe.


My blood pressure still runs on the high end it’s just that my pulse or heart rate is on the low side.

I’m on a low dose of Bisprolol

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I see, what do your drs say about it?

Because for me, I am not checking, haven’t had it checked at all. I just go off of body sensations like lightheadedness or certain types of tiredness.

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I’m always fatigued and sometimes my body temperature drops and I feel cold.
Also I noticed some shortness of breath at times.

I’m calling my family doctor tomorrow.
I’ll probably make a Telehealth appointment.

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Yeah, it’s probably best to do that. Should be okay or fixable quite easily. The hearts good at being what it needs for the body!

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The thing is I’m not on a high dose right now.
Without a Beta Blocker my heart would race.

I’m still on my ACE inhibitor, but was taken off the beta blocker as my blood pressure was dropping too low since the weight loss. I’m also still eating blood thinners out of a PEZ dispenser.


Drs should be able to help. They can help find one that can do both. I believe there are different types of meds for anxiety.

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I have asthma, so beta blockers are contraindicated for me. Before I had asthma, I responded poorly to beta blockers (taken for hypertension). A med called Verapamil helped a lot more than beta blockers did.

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Yeah I noticed that I’m slightly wheezing.
Beta Blockers can do this.

I’m calling my doctor.

I take Irbesartan 150mg for lowering blood pressure but I think my Dr will remove it next apt. My blood pressure dropped a lot and now on the low normal range. I think Metamucil Fiber and skipping breakfast lowered it too. I lost 15lb.

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I read somewhere that Risperdal increases heart rate, is that true? Mine went higher on Risperdal.

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But maybe its also because I gained weight since switching to Risperdal. I think obesity increases heart rate, the heart has to work harder.

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I take Co Exforge for my high bp. It contains a calcium channel blocker… I’m not sure if that is the same as a Beta blocker.

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Yes Risperdal can increase heart rate @Aziz


Dopamine antagonists and even partial agonists (like Abilify and Rexulti, etc.) block receptors everywhere in the body, not only the brain - resulting in slowed down metabolism and increased appetite. If I remember correctly, our pancreas has dopamine receptors too, for example.

Metabolic derangement as in my case also often means higher blood pressure, elevated insulin, and eventually elevated blood glucose and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Personally I’ve gone on a keto diet before and noticed a significant drop in both the blood pressure and fasting blood glucose not to mention appetite and weight, and normalized liver enzymes. Sometimes it helps with positive and/or negative symptoms as discovered serendipitously by Chris Palmer MD. Relevant case studies can be found in the Schizophrenia Research publication. Currently doing one meal a day with reduced carbs to keep the weight down.