Does anybody wear glasses?..I do
I just have a $2 pair of cheaters from the dollar store. I only read them for reading sometimes
I wear glasses to see far away. I wish I didn’t need them but I do.
I used to wear glasses long time ago, then I switched to contact lenses then in 2016 I had Lasik, I still see very good now.
I do. I was near sighted (can’t see far) and astigmatism starting when I was 12 years old. Now that I’m middle aged, I also need glasses to see close up and read. I have progressive lenses that have both prescriptions in them. I can get away without my glasses, depending on what I’m doing.
I have them but I rarely wear them. My vision is usually good enough to get by.
I just got glasses a few months ago. I have accommodative dysfunction and it sucks. Even with the glasses sometimes I can’t see anything.
I had Lasik done 20 years ago. Now I just use reading glasses.
I had lasik but after 20 years I started needing glasses again. Unfortunately, I just got a new pair anc I can’t see the street signs with them. It’s all blurry like it is without them. I called the eyeglass store today and I’m waiting for a return call on what to do next
I do, my vision is 20/70, I’m near-sighted.
yeah, idk what the hell is wrong with my eyes but the glasses help, they react and darken to excess light and glare, my optician said i have better than 20/20 vision with my glasses now
Since I was 8 years old. Can’t live without them.
Yes. I can’t read without them.
The first eye test I remember having was a few months before my 14th birthday. I got specs for distance soon after that. I wasn’t great at wearing them…
Yeah I wear glasses usually when I’m driving or out in public.
I don’t need them in my house.
It’s for distance.
I have slight eye trouble. I choose to not wear glasses because they make my eyes worse. The TV is slightly blurred but I can read. I have dental/hearing/vision insurance I never use. They might expand Medicare in my country to include all three.
I wear glasses. I’m near sighted with a slight astigmatism…
I have contact lenses and glasses. I try to stay away from glasses, because it sort of makes me depressed when I look into the mirror.
The contrast between the lenses and my weak vision makes me dizzy.
I usually have contacts in but I do have glasses
I have to wear them now
Don’t like my new glasses as much. They feel like I am wearing swimming googles as I can see, but all around the outer edge is very blurry and I have to move my head more
My old glasses fit my face better and covered more area