Does anybody else not like driving at night?

I just had to go to the store. I don’t like driving at night. I don’t feel like I can see well in the dark. Maybe it would help if I wore my glasses. IDK. I am fine during the day.


I didn’t have this issue when I was younger. I used to drive at night all the time.

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I get the same feeling. Especially after I got my eyes laserd.


I hate driving in the Winter during white out conditions.

I don’t mind the dark so much, accept for my job, it gets dark early now and I have trouble seeing the numbers on peoples houses, it slows me down a lot.


I used to not be able to drive at night, during rain or on the highway. A combo of all 3 I wouldn’t ever even try. A combo of 2 of those were way more than enough. Had to strategically take klonopin to not have a panic attack and feel like I’m blacking out during driving.

What happened was a coincidence but every time I went under a train going over the tracks I’d wish for no more anxiety while driving. You’re supposed to make a wish when this happens. Well also it Left me feeling disassociated after driving too. Well I don’t think it was the wish as much as the naltrexone got rid of my anxiety. But I like to think the wishes helped too lol.


I have trouble at night. The lights of the on coming cars, hurts my eyes. :llama::llama::llama:


I feel the same. I love driving during the day, I hate it at night


We never drive at night. My GF has cataracts and its impossible.
She’s scheduled for surgery in January. We’ll see how she does after that. Well probably still limit our drives to during the day.

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My night vision has definitely gotten worse as I’ve gotten older.


Ok used to be a VERY talented driver, nowadays I’m awful, needless to say, my anxiety and visions impair me but I find that I need to drive anyway ---- it’s scary but therapeutic most the time

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As I get older, it gets harder and harder to see at night. I totally get it


Same here. Before my car went to the junk yard May 2020, I avoided driving at night because I couldn’t see well. I didn’t have this problem when I was younger.


Ditto all you guys. I cannot see in the dark any more, and it is worse when it rains.

Sometimes the glare of the oncoming headlights will temporarily blind me, and I’ve heard of a fix for that. They make amber colored glasses that are supposed to filter out the glare.

I asked my eye doctor about the amber colored glasses, and he shrugged and said, “I use them.”


^^ Same. I think that’s common as one ages.


I think you are right.


I don’t like driving at night either. I hate the bright lights shining in my face. And if it rains it’s even worse, like I’m driving on a lake and can’t see the road lines. Scary! Another reason I don’t like driving at night is I don’t feel safe. Too many criminals possibly lurking in some areas.


The car lights and stop lights are so blurry at night that I can’t drive in the dark. I bought anti glare glasses to help me drive up until dusk. I recommend the anti glare glasses to anyone who has problems with shadows and glare starting in the late afternoon.

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I like driving with music.
It’s a liberating feeling.
I roam and sing and play

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I read that mentally ill people are more likely to be victims of violent crimes than the general population. Does that concern you when you go out at night?

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Not really, no, but then again I live in a safe area.

I have lived in bad neighborhoods before though and have never been afraid to go out at night. Just not really something that I am afraid of personally.