Does anybody absolutely

Love your job??

Getting up and amped for the work ahead??

Have anybody switched field of work and love it??

Is waking every morning dredging and hating your work a normal thing? A healthy thing??

Please share


Right now I am not going to find work as enjoyable as when I am 51 kgā€¦i feel a slight bit self conscious at my current weight.

Looking for a job atmā€¦

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Read this short article for my insight:

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I hope your diet goes well! And good luck on job huntingšŸ˜Š

Some times I rather be shot dead to work hereā€¦

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Thank you Iā€™ll read when I get backā€¦!

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I like doing property maintenance if the pace and work load is reasonable. Itā€™s the production line style workpace that makes work no longer enjoyable. So finding a good paced job is helpful. Too slow of pace is boring.

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thanks Abise

Have you started looking for a different job?

maybe a different sectorā€¦?

hope it gets better for you

not enjoying work is really awful :frowning: i have had times like that in the past too

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I loved working when I was able to, getting up at 6AM didnt matter for me as work made me organized and have more self confidence and feeling successful. I made good money too increasing my life quality and independence. I wish I could work again!


Sometimes I think about going back to Latuda and work again eventhough I had positive symptoms like paranoia, and occasional catatonia. Also had bad nausea and bad akathisia.

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Ä° love my job.its making me socialise and doing my daily exercise.other than i get mind discipline and experiences for my dream job which is cookery.i never had problem with work.i m loving it.


My aunt was an stock broker for a while, before she suddenly quit. She gave me very good advice. ā€œIf you find yourself on the way to work hoping you get hit by a bus just so you can have one day off, it is time to find a different job.ā€


A good job might not be something youā€™re excited about, it might just be something you do to paythe bills. But it shouldnā€™t make you actively hate your life.


I donā€™t love my job. I take pleasure from being good at it.


I had a love hate relationship with my job when I worked in the call center. The money was good. My supervisor bent over backwards for the happiness of his subordinates. But after a couple years of getting screamed at and called names by customers, and with sza symptoms getting worse, I had to call it quits.

I now enjoy doing the side hustles with my dad by taking care of properties. Maintenance and cleaning inside and out.



I loathe my job. I only work part time and I can barely handle it. I hate going every shift. Sometimes I lie in bed until the very last second before I have to dash out, just debating if I should call out or quit or something. One day theyā€™re gunna fire me. I donā€™t know if Iā€™m happy or stressed about that. I hate it there. Only good thing is my coworkers. Most of them anyway.

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No not yetā€¦ honestly after I got SZ and becoming homeless living in the street, my knowledge and my confidence seemed to diminish. Now that I live in Japan now and have no experience hereā€¦ Iā€™m trying to stay at my current work placeā€¦ till I get some savings and move back to US and find a better job


Yeah ā€¦ I can relate to that before when I lived in Miami when I used to be a sous chefā€¦ I felt like I could take on anything and cover for people in the earliest shiftā€¦ no problem. Compared to my attitude I have currently, itā€™s like night and dayā€¦ but I did smoke cannabis regularly to wind down after work, dunno if it was that thoughā€¦

Its tough with positive symptoms while working I knowā€¦ I quit many jobs like that. If the new med is not getting released in Canada, maybe you should give it a tryā€¦? Now that you have experience working with Latuda, it could be different?

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Yeahā€¦ I guess no matter what industry your in a job can be turn boringā€¦ I used to just adore cooking and any kind of work that include food was a new challenge and a motivation. My motivation at my job is reaally low especially in the early morningsā€¦:no_mouth:


I liked past jobs, wonā€™t go as far as to saying I loved ā€˜em!
I worked in sales for almost 5 years and Iā€™d say I looked forward to working. It helped that I worked in pro sports environments (Dodger Stadium, Staples Center, etc) and it paid well. Every shift was like a surprise, some days Iā€™d make a wage like a ceo! It all depended on the crowd and the effort put forth that day. Only part I didnā€™t like was socializing among co-workers before work started, it created tons of undue stress for me.

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I think you all are at least a bit lucky in one way, for getting to work. I voice said ā€œdonā€™t put thatā€. But work had interacting with people. Thatā€™s a plus, in my mind.

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