I miss work

I quit working April 2020. I miss it. It was keeping me busy and making me feel useful, better self confidence, and making good money. I was working full time as an accountant assistant with accounting softwares and Excel. I was able to afford eating outside more often, buying what I want even if its expensive, etc It made me go outside my house and meet new ppl. Its good for my CV etc


Sometimes I miss work and other times I don’t. One of my jobs could be very stressful and my boss could be pretty demanding. I know that i could not handle that job now.


I was able to afford buying brand clothes, 200$ Nike shoes, expensive gaming PC, etc I also felt better among my friends who work and had something to talk about, how was work etc

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My job wasn’t stressful for me. My mother is friend with the boss.

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I had my own office there. Though I dont miss being on Latuda, it was hell…

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What were your jobs if its not private?

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I worked an electrical job on weekdays and did security on weekends. The electrical job was the one that could be kind of stressful.


I had a friend who was an electrician, its hard.

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I feel the same my friend.yeah I need work.hard times at the moment.

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It can be. Most of the stress was generated because my boss always wanted things done fast so that he could make more money.


My friend told me the same thing about his boss!


Yeah, I wouldn’t want to go back to that job even if I could. It was way too hectic. Too much pressure.


Plus, I’m not sure if I’m smart enough anymore :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’ve always had trouble holding jobs due to my anxiety and depression. Longest one I had was 3 or 4 months. It was at a Amazon warehouse.


I cant do presz jobs. I was managing a gym before sz, I was alone working but it was a small gym for a big company.

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Is working at home easier for you?

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I meant it was a small gym in their big buisness building. Its for their workers.

I think it would be. Maybe I should try to find a job where I can work from home. Im broke and need the money.

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I might be able to do my old security job. I’m not sure if I could handle it or not.

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You should if it doesnt worsen your sz, you’ll have more money and be busy feeling useful.

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