Do you use porn? Anonymous poll

Used to use it twice a day. But as ive got older - ive had no libido. And personally for me - once you seen one vagina, you seen them all. Its boring to me these days.

And its a well known fact that if your wanking to porn everyday - once a real woman comes along, i bet you cannot perform. Cos to put it bluntly - your cock is too used to the fast rate of your hand. For me anyway.


I use to often but I might be moving away from it nowā€¦ Not really sure :man_shrugging:t5:

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For those that feel guilty over using porn. Dont be. Its only when your ā€œat itā€ several times a day and your obsessing over it, should it be a problem. Poxy Religions say its a sin - but i call cobblers. Its been around for hundreds of years. And many blokes think that women find it disgusting. The wife used to use it all the time, when i was impotent lol :stuck_out_tongue:


Facts! 15151515

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Iā€™m polish. Our women seem to love it.

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Iā€™m not going to believe a estimate from the worlds largest porn site. They are hardly inpartial.

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I watch porn. Iā€™ve been cutting back and thinking about quitting as itā€™s not really doing much for me anymore. Iā€™m on the internet a lot so every now and then Iā€™ll look up something. I usually use it as a tool though and not something to just watch. Itā€™s usually in and out for me.

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Depends what you watch or how much. Its def gotten out of control for me at times. So i use some blocking apps to regulate it.

Doesnt give me anxiety or anything. I just get pissed off if i waste too much time watching it.


I watch like 5min a week


Ive gotten back into it for a while now. Sometimes i feel it would be healthier for me mentally to not watch porn. But usually i just dont care. Im unemployed and have a lot of free time and have a relentless sex drive so whatevs. Doesnt impact my sex life with my girlfriend in any negative way.


Since Iā€™ve lowered my dose of meds, Iā€™ve been watching porn more often.

I donā€™t obsess over it or watch it everyday (I voted 1-3 times a week) but sometimes I do get horny. Iā€™m 28 years old.

If I find a girlfriend, iā€™ll stop watching porn completely.

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i think its mosly harmess as long as ubare watching the harmless stuff. i enver watched the fake stuff or violent stuff. but i dont watch it anymore. it got boring and i dont want hacker to see my porn haha


I am watching porn once in 2 days regularly. My feelings after watching it everytime is next time I should not watch. But due to the situation I am in I find no other thing satisfying me as much as porn does. So I fall for it again and again. Maybe need more friends to avoid it. Hope I am surrounded by friends.

Yeah thats nothing lol. I had/have seriously bad binge problems. Like addict problem. Its a compulsive behaviorial issue and thats one direction it can go if attention is directed at it.

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I watch food porn everyday. Street food porn is the best. You can get real kinky with spicy bbq eel on a stick. Itā€™s hot and so dirty. :joy:



Iā€™m not ashamed of doing so.

I listened to some kind of advanced psychologist in Tiktok.He says that sex is an important part of a manā€™s life.(if subconsciously it is only possible-- but at the level of consciousness, in my opinion, it can be treated differently)And if a man doesnā€™t have a kitchen, it doesnā€™t mean that he doesnā€™t eat.Because there is fast food.And for women, they can participate in a manā€™s sex in a different way. And if a woman participates in a manā€™s sex, then he can hide this fast food in the closet for a while.

Maybe he just really wanted McDonalds that day.

And couldnā€™t get some. :joy:


I thought I had a problem with it, I used to watch it every day. Now I can go days without watching and the days I watch it itā€™s often only once a day. Hell, when I was a teenager all we had was Playboy or the occasional Penthouse. I never saw a pornographic video or film until I was 19 and saw a double bill of Deep Throat and The Devil in Miss Jones at a theater.