The poll is anonymous, feel free to write what you think about porn here. Is it harmless? Does it cause anxiety? What is your experience.
For myself, I never used it for many years because I found it not to be good for mental health, but then I started again. And now I’ve almost stopped completely, cause it’s not adding anything to my life, and I’m noticed that I’m calmer after quitting. I’m not as reactive to bad things happening. I plan to continue living almost 100% porn free.
We’re both on meds that severely impact our sex life. So when it’s time, which is rare, then we use it as a method to make it a successful time. Doesn’t always work but hey🤷🏽
I try to avoid it as it is bad for my mental health. It messes with natural libido also, like I don’t respond so well to sexuality and attraction in real life.
There isn’t really any middle ground for me. Like smoking. Either you do or you don’t. I do sometimes watch pictures of attractive dressed women though. But I don’t masturbate to them.