Do you think my psychiatrist is a demon?

I managed to go to the er, panicked all the way there, spent 8 hours in there only to be discharged.

I thought everyone there might be demons.

I’m afraid to see my psychiatrist because I think she’s a demon.

What do you think?

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Not literally, no.

I think you need to calm down bud. Your psychiatrist might be a dick but not like demonic. They could be very uncaring and lack empathy but they’re not demonic.


I’m not sure if they are demons
Try to think they want to help
I’m sure not all of them demons
Try to tell them how u feel

Maybe possessed?

I never thought this. She’s kind. That’s how demons get you. They act kind but want me to take meds that make me blind to the truth.

You can see about getting a different therapist later, but for now you need to relax. Watch a dvd. Go to a pizza buffet. Do something creative.

I’m not freaking out or anything. Just… pondering. Been thinking about this for days.

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If things get too bad remember the crisis lines.

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Possessed by the conventions of the shared world not by demons.

What do you mean?

I had a psychiatrist who I was pretty sure didn’t like me. I think he was thinking that here my father was paying for very expensive psychiatric care out of his own pocket, and all I could talk about was how damaging my relationship with my father had been. But I was talking about my dad within the context of psychotherapy. It wasn’t like I was broadcasting my thoughts about my dad in public. I didn’t know what else to talk about in therapy. That ■■■■ is too expensive for me to just sit there and say nothing. I think that basically I wasn’t ready to benefit from psychotherapy. Now I feel like I have other issues to talk about.


What I mean is that dealing with mental health professionals can be stressful even at the best of times

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Just because someone wants you to take meds doesn’t make them a demon. Just yesterday you yourself responded to 77Nick77’s suggestion that you should be on meds with something like “trust me I believe that now”. So you also wanted yourself to take meds. Are you a demon too then?

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Idk I’m confused. I’ve wondered if I am too today but not for that reason. My insight comes and goes.

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Yeah, I am surprised you were released from the hospital so quickly. You must have been in a better state than you were the night before.

Yeah I was or else I wouldn’t have made it to the er.

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I would suggest you switch psychiatrists since you think yours is a demon. Only problem with that solution is your new psychiatrist is going to recommend meds too and then you will think that they are a demon too. lol. Kind of a no win situation with the pdoc if you continue to believe people that recommend meds are demons.


Yeah I like my pdoc objectively. Lol it’s weird having insight but still believing ■■■■

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Do you believe that you are worse without meds or about the same? I know you complain that they don’t work for you very well but you seem worse to me.

I think if I switch from the abilify injection to the pills it’ll work more consistently for me. It wore off a weekish before I was due

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