Does it put you at a higher risk of developing it?
Personally I believe so. Just my opinion.
I have read things to that effect, yes.
Definetly. I was thinking trauma/abuse leads to all disorders. And, trauma could be more subliminal and not always obvious ones. Also, what is trauma to one child could be anothers lifestyle.
I have read that childhood trauma puts you at greater risk of sz. But it joins a long list of possible contributors.
I think so. The way I heard it put was that, “The genetics loads the gun, and the environment pulls the trigger.”
It would be too much of a coincidence in my case for it to be otherwise.
Yes, definitely 15151515
For sure. Being raped as a ten year old in a fish house on a warm spring day can definitely aggravate sza.
Coming from a broken alcoholic home doesn’t help things either as well as bullying at school.
But I am who I am and I make no apologies.
Wow, I’m sorry you went through all of that. Can I ask how old you were when you were diagnosed?
I was 23 years old during my first stay and the docs picked up on something that I had no idea what was going on.
Dx at 23 and still the same.
Yes! I think so. I have had a lifetime of bullying, targeting and abuse that I could FEEL breaking me down until I snapped and went crazy.
Wow, I’m sorry. Can I ask what age you were diagnosed?
I started talking to myself at about 35 because no one else would listen, and at 46, I broke and had my first psychotic episode and it was a doozy! Before I was diagnosed with bipolar with psychotic features, I had crippling anxiety and panic disorder my whole life. I still have horrible anxiety.
So, I was diagnosed at 46 after having been stalked by multiple abusers. One person actually said “It’s fun to prey on the weak.” That’s how bad it was. I deleted my FB and I live as a recluse in hiding.
Because of how badly I have been treated my whole life, it makes it hard for me to let go of my Truman Show delusion. I HAVE been stalked, spied on, monitored and watched my whole life, so it’s fertile ground to develop a Truman Show delusion. I mean, IS it a delusion?
Wow, are you doing better now? Do meds help?
I am doing better in some ways and worse in others. I am just one of those people that sticks out for looking weird and gets bullied. I am female and non-confrontational so it’s been extra painful.
I’m always working to improve my quality of life. Thanks for your concern
Probably. Not much I can do about it now as that ship has sailed, sank, etc. Concentrating on having a fun second childhood now. I highly recommend it as it’s always good to have a reason to bounce out of bed looking forward to the day.
Do you deal with negative symptoms, if it’s ok to ask?
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