I have a few movies on DVD I could play on an old laptop.
We have a huge collection at my library and people check them out all the time.
that’s all we have is a dvd player for our t.v. , just rent from netflix dvd for our movies…
Yeah, I have many hundred and a dvd player. A lot of movies you won’t find on netflix, but on dvd you can find most stuff.
I’ve got an old VCR. Some people think I am embarrassingly behind the times, but I’ve watched Gone with the Wind, Casa Blanca, The Untouchables, Total Recall, and I’ve got Titanic, Tombstone, The Graduate, and The Maltese Falcon waiting for me. I have a DVD too, and I’ve got a huge selection of movies to watch on that.
I’m sure there is some charm to watching things on vhs as well. Hard to come by players for them these days though, and they often break faster.
I remember buying a vcr in the early 2000’s. It had a function to burn vcr movies to dvd. The machine broke after about 1 year and it turned out the dvd’s that the vcr burned could only be used on that player. Put it in a universal dvd player and I got nothing. What a joke. I get slightly irritated remembering it.
I have a huge collection that I no longer use. Trying to decide how to dispose of it.
I’ve got a dvd player. I’ve just pre-ordered the new top gun movie on DVD.
I very rarely watch movies though, so don’t have any streaming services.
I watch a movie about once every 6 months.
I have cut back recently. Most of the movies I really appreciate are from the 90’s or earlier. Occasionally there might come a new movie I’m interested in, but most of it doesen’t appeal to me. I often feel like visual effects have replaced creativity in new movies. I guess it’s just me that’s a dinosaur.
Oh yeah! I have a little blu-ray player that plays DVD’s too. I have a fairly huge collection.
Does that one have Tom cruise in it? I might watch it if he’s not in it.
I have a DVD player and if internet goes out I use it.
Donations of dvds to libraries sre usually welcomed
Yes, it has Tom Cruise in it !
I was going to say if they mean bluray as dvds are too old and not HD.
Some DVDs are scanned in HD, I think. Plus there’s a lot of old movies that haven’t been released on bluray.
I used to rent blurays from a place near me long time ago but since then I haven’t seen any store that rents movies. I guess its all streaming now here.
That place closed long time ago and it was the only one. I miss the porn section with red curtains and special lighting haha
I have been sorting through stuff and brought some stuff to the local Goodwill today. They took everything except the box of movies on VHS.
I have exactly two movies on dvd that I sometimes watch from my computer. If I wanna get fancy sometimes I plug the computer into the tv and watch from there.
Otherwise I use streaming services.
My PS5 reads blurays and DVDs.