used to be when someone triggered me to remember id just get this vague recollection that would come back. my younger days were the time to do some digging on this.
cant prove it happened cant prove it didnt.
once when spoken of in my late teens my forehead turned to a painful mass of jello. friend of a friend asked me if i remembered the ships.
Delusions are by definition deeply rooted. My delusions persist in the back of my mind forever, doesn’t matter what I do or how longer I remain grounded, they always return. I barely get any voices nowdays, and no hallucinations, even without medication, but it’s all still there.
I also have a persistent tick that happens 999/1000 times I perform a specific action. Doesn’t matter what I am thinking, when I perform the triggering action, I twitch or spazm uncontrollably with my whole body, for a brief moment.
My delusions cannot be disproven because of their nature. I suspect that’s the part of my intelligence that forges delusions in such a manner to have a safe space to reliably retreat to when under stress. I also found small bits of very hard evidence for my delusions being true. I cling to those few concrete proofs, despite the fact that there are thousands of indicators of the opposite.
I am pretty stable on my combo of meds. But i still get some delusions based around paranoia. And rationally i can speak to my husband and he can tell me its a delusion and I’ll know its not real. But i cant get past the FEELING of it being real. So it can still effect my day to day. Right now im dealing with a whopper of one, and it sucks. And the one side of my brain knows its not real. But the other half is like “oh yes it is, dont let them trick you into thinking its not”. Its very frustrating. I see my p.doc on thursday thankfully.
Not a delusion but a strong belief.
I have prophetic dreams of situations and life events or even problems a few years ahead of the time they happen. These appear as de ja vu. But if I tell for example my wife these prophetic dreams don’t come true. So if it’s bad I always tell my wife so they don’t come true.
It’s things like new people in my life, new roads I take new events etc etc. not lottery numbers which is a pity. I haven’t told my dr about them but have told him when big things are about to happen. Like natural disasters etc,
I’ve always had such dreams. Also take them for granted as that’s who I am. Just a normal guy with a head full of meaningless garbage.