And whats your favorite game?
I dont play much of them, sometimes i imGine how cool is to play video games, but i have no motivation to study how to play or find good game that changes my life. I want to be skillful gamer, that has know video games well. So i ask you for what reasons do you play? What do you want to achive by playing?
i play Battlefield for the xbox one
@far_cry0 i want acer predator desktop:) whe you will have gaming desktop?
What is your purpose playing that game?
mostly just to kill time, i don’t enjoy it as much as i used to
I sometimes play doom
May be next week…
back when i did play video games, i played nintendo games only. though i did play a few non-nintendo games like Dark Souls 2 & 3
thats awsome, dark souls is so cool. i want to play it , but i dont have
I have Starcraft 2 , do you know starcraft ?
I used to play starcraft and starcraft 2. My favorite was Warcraft 2 and 3. I was really looking forward to Warcraft 4 but I don’t think I’ll play it much now if it ever gets released. I was into Hearthstone for a while but quit and am now playing Shadowverse instead. I feel like the only games I can play are card games or games that don’t require a lot of mouse clicking because I’m starting to develop arthritis in my hand. I mainly play games to help my cognitive and to kill time.
no. i don’t play games as much as i used to
I play Fallout 4, sometimes. I don’t play anything else on PS4 because I want to beat it. I don’t play it that much though. I play Final Fantasy V on my phone occasionally.
I play console games. I enjoy them and have been doing so since the Sega Genesis. Dead Space still amongst my favorites.
Right now, I’m primarily playing DOOM 4.
I used to enjoy and love games, sadly the antipsychotics have taken that away from me.
I’ve preordered tekken 7 which releases in a week, but there’s just no excitement in games anymore because of antipsychotics. It’s been years since I’ve enjoyed a good game. They just seem so dull and boring now.
Loved Tekken Dark Resurrection on PSP. I had Jude Law pretty built up on the free PS3 Online Multi Player Tekken thing. I think I actually made him too powerful. I could beat most challengers easily. The super guys on there trounced me though
Thanks for responses!
I play video games because I’m good at them, Im very competitive i mainly play FPS.