Do you own a car - poll?

  • Yes
  • No

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I haven’t owned a car since my last psychosis but I drive my dad’s van frequently.

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I feel like the car owns me.


I own a car with my dad.


I have an imaginary red Corvette. :sunglasses:


I wrecked mine during psychosis and blew the insurance money.

I finally am well enough to drive again but I don’t have a car or enough money to buy a decent one. I need to start watching auctions and hope I luck out.


I own a car so that my travel to and from work is reduced from 40 minutes to 15 minutes.

I’ve a 2004 Kia Optima. It used to be a good top of the range car but it’s a little on the tired side now! It would be nice to have a decent new car but that isn’t happening soon so it’s about keeping this one going. It’s so good to have my own transport. Used to do the train to the cricket club and it was horrendous.

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I have a Nissan Juke red.
I like it.
I bought it ten years ago.

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A second hand bottle green Toyota Yaris
My dad bought it me but can’t drive now

I sold mine over seven years ago. I do not really need a car because I can ride my bicycle or take buses. We have very good bus connections from my town to any neighboring towns and cities. There are train connections too.

I share a car with my father.

I don’t own a car, never had, it has just been my choice to not have one.

I gave my car to my ex in the divorce. I get medical transport or take the bus. Or sometimes my ex or my sister take me places.

Whilst learning to drive I had intrusive thoughts of running people over, so I gave it up.

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I have a 2012 Honda Civic. I love my car. Very reliable and the maintenance costs aren’t too bad

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I have a minivan

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My car is blue.

Her name is Beatrice.

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I don’t own a car anymore. I got into too many accidents and got too many citations and eventually lost my car insurance. So, no I can’t drive anymore.

I get to the VA hospital and clinics by VA van. My acquaintances drive me to my volunteer meetings and to Church. My ex gf drives me places sometimes. I do get around by taxi on a limited basis.

My city has always had really poor public transport and still does.

I cant afford one but Im a great driver…I havent drove in two years now…feel like im spinning my wheels.