I lost all my energy again after eating lunch
I know what you mean. For me it’s more mental clarity I lose after eating though, probably because you get less blood to your brain and more to your stomach, is what I’m guessing.
Yes in a way. I usually try to eat one good meal for dinner. Otherwise i feel sluggish.
Eating too much makes me sleepy especially carbs so I don’t do that. I usually have less than 50g of carbs a day. I read thats considered a keto diet.
I guess it couldve been what I ate I had chinese chicken but it made me super exhausted
Only if I overeat or if eat a carb bomb, like pasta or potatoes.
Is chinese food a carb bomb??
I read glutamate is destroying brain cells
It depends on what I ate. A big meal, yes.
A lot of potatoes makes me sleepy
I’ve experienced feeling sleepy after the evening meal ,every now and then for a good number of years. In the last fortnight or so, though, it’s been more frequent…
Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. I lose all my energy while I’m cooking now.
Middle age. Bleh.
Lots of pizza or pasta can knock me out!
digestion takes a lot of energy
if you ate a lot of rice yea
Oh yeah I ate a lot of rice lol
do you do blood work with you GP? might be low blood sugar or something.
A big bowl of pasta makes me
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