I don’t watch it much, but when I do it’s Metalocalypse, I’ve seen each episode hundreds of times.
I do not watch TV much, many movies are later in evenings, but I have already started sleeping then. I like to watch some shows such as Storage Hunters.
I thought I was watching TV
I like Netflix. TV is so boring with commercials now.
I don’t watch TV at all. Don’t do netflix or anything. I have an account with netflix and hulu. My wife uses them. I do watch youtube every now and again, but still not a major part of my life. I just don’t like the little people in the box. A carry over from my bad days.
I don’t watch tv at all. Can’t concentrate enough to get a grip of what is happening.
Not at all.
I despise when that thing is even on.
TV belongs to past
I only watch sport. Football and cricket
I cut the cord years ago. No more cable or satellite for me. Can’t stand commercials. Can’t stand what passes for broadcast news. Can’t stand any sort of sports, which always seem to come crashing into and pre-empting actual, watchable television. Netflix is my friend. Netflix while on a treadmill is even better.
I don’t watch TV as much as I’m online or working on a computer project. I watch even less because I’ve subscribed to fewer channels for awhile. I’ll get more channels (favorite channels back) later in the year, most likely.
Tv is on for company from the moment I wake up until I go to sleep at bedtime. Sometimes I actually watch it too.
I like to watch Law and Order, but I take that in small doses. I also like to watch the history channel and the military channel. Most of the time I can’t get a signal on my tv. Something is wrong with my dish. I don’t really worry about it. I can do the same thing on the internet.
I fall asleep on the couch while trying to watch Netflix lately - its frustrating cause I love Netflix
I like watching the occasional show. I used to watch more before I was diagnosed.
I have it on a lot but can easily be distracted when I’m online. Especially if it is a repeat of something I have seen before.
You call soccer a sports
AFL. Australian football league. Not soccer
A friend sent me the DVD of the BBC Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series. I’ll try watching that. I seldom watch TV.
Used to prefer radio and forum posting these days