Daylight savings time again come tomorrow. Are you prepared for this time change?
Nope. It takes me a month to adjust for each one. I wish they would just drop the wretched thing.
I have this thing where i just don’t change my personal clocks (watch, device clocks) during daylight savings here (6 months of the year)
I liked it because the position of the sun in the sky is more aligned with the clock
It’s great when i was living on my own
But while living back with other people, it’s a real pain constantly having to do ±1 hours for every damn thing
I’m really looking forward to the start of April where everyone will be in sync with my time again
I really hate the fallback and spring forward stuff. Quit messing with time! lol
Ugh. No I hate spring forward day. It feel like a I lost an hour of my life and I take forever to adjust my sleep.
Always a surprise
Its howdy doody time
Thanks for the notice. I’m kinda looking forward to the long day. It means I can mow late in the day after everyone has left the office I mow.
3:55 pm. You seriously need a watch or a cell phone or something @DrZen .
It’s 3:27 AM what @Bowens your clock is wrong
It is peanut butter and jelly time.
Weigh it!
Weigh it!
That joke will never get old
if no one had told me i wouldnt have known. i would have just wondered why i was more tired.
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