Do you know anyone on the internet?

what the difference between IRL and internet?

I have no IRL people. I’m supposed to tho.


I can put all of my energy into talking with others instead of half of it into trying to present normal body language and eye contact.


I only know mesef

cbt can improve this

So true

IRL requires much more effort

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I doubt people on this site. I just dont think they are who they say they are, it is the internet after all

Gee, wouldn’t have known about CBT if you haven’t mentioned it.

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thoughts can change ones mind

…and I’m talking to a brick wall.

All my friends are internet friends. My husband I met online, but now we live together. 🤷

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I feel like the internet is a distraction. I like real people. Real people are nice.

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I met my husband online! So, I guess you could say I married someone from the internet. (spooky music)


Oh no theres nothing wrong with meeting someone online, i dono im just paranoid. You can tell the genuine people obviously, but i just dont know about some people. It is anomynous after all

Oh wait i just got it!:joy: thats the idea haha duh!

I know a guy on here and I consider him my best friend, I actually met him while working and we became closer the more we worked together. I’ve had a few friends online, they usually stop texting me after about a week but through the years me and him still text and talk

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@Blossom so did I!!!

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Hmm. . .

I Don’t Know Anyone Personally On THE INTERNET.

Not interested To Try And Extend Any Serious Extension Into Invitation Into My Personal Life.

After My Past Experiences With A Few Different Individuals. THE INTERNET, Can Be Dangerous.

Although I Enjoy THE INTERNET. I Am Cautious To Some Individuals’ Reasons For Presence.

Afterall It Is, THE INTERNET.


Feel Free To Go Online, On THE INTERNET.

And Maybe Get To Know Someone!.


I have met people from online in real life. My husband started off as an internet friend. We were friend a year before we first met in person. Then another year went by and we moved into a mutual friend’s place, friend from internet, as roommates. Within 2 weeks we were dating.

I spent all of 1999 and part of 2000 meeting internet friends. None were fakers. Fakers never want to meet because it shows they are fake.


Hmm. . .

I Had No Idea “faker” Was Even A Word.

Thanx!, For Sharing @anon4362788!.

There Is So Much To Learn On THE INTERNET!.

My wife answered my online singles ad. The grammar and spelling in her response were on point.

Not something you pass up!
