Do you hoard?

Part of my illnesses is hoarding.

My husband threw out a lot of stuff today and I let him. It’s hard letting go. He told me he was proud of me for letting him and not freaking out.

It’s so hard to not obsess over what might be gone and what could have been saved.


My Father hoards stuff, especially keeping lots of food around.

I started that, too. We’ve had to throw out cans and cans of stuff we’d never use. Still have a few flats.


I’m proud of you for letting him do that. I know how hard it must have been. My mother was a hoarder. I’m the opposite, I get rid of things and have to buy them again later.


I hoard electronics, most I never use and cost me a lot. I don’t have the motivation to sell them either.

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I hoard but am really not that bad. I don’t have a car so I mail order everything. I keep extra on had, so I have time for the packages to arrive.

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Im not a hoarder I will throw things out and buy the same things again … but i don’t like being around a lot of stuff …

I feel like my partner hoards as he’s got so much stuff and so many boxes I just feel so anxious being there


I hoard stuff because I don’t have the free headspace to organize my stuff. Too many forced thoughts about stupid things that aren’t relevant to my immediate needs. Basically inflammation is pushing on too many parts of the brain and making me think too hard, making me overly analytical and aware, to the extent that I hallucinate meaning on sounds and such.

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Well done @anon4362788 that couldn’t have been easy for you.

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Thanks @Qwerty. :slight_smile:

We had a water shortage a few years back, and I’ve been hoarding water ever since. I have about 40 gallons of water in one gallon milk jugs stashed in various places around my apartment.

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I’ve gotten rid of too much stuff and then can’t afford to replace it.

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I used to. One day I decided to be a minimalist and got rid of a ton of my things, including things I wish I hadn’t. Now I think I own a normal amount of stuff for my space. Still have urges to throw everything away though and live on the bare essentials. makes things simpler

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Yes. I hang on to electronics because I, “might need something later.” I’ve got boxes of tubes in a shed back on the farm for kit that I don’t own and won’t ever own. So I’m trying to pare it down some. I took four monitors I wasn’t using and some extra cheap speakers to the New To You in town. Also sold some of my antique cameras on eBay. Just want to keep the ones that have emotional significance now.

I think what hurt the most was getting rid of all of my darkroom kit. Spent years building it up. At least I found a museum that would adopt it rather than just tossing it.


no I don’t hoard…unless my instruments count…nah…i don’t hoard…

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