Do you have trouble controlling your emotions?

since I’ve had these med changes I notice I cry almost everyday which I used to hardly ever cry. But my paranoia, delusions and anxiety are much better so maybe it is worth the trade off. I know when i’m having a really bad breathing day i’m grumpier and more withdrawn .if I feel i’m being taunted a lot and have asked the person to stop and they don’t i’ll yell. I am learning about getting toxic people out of my life or limiting time with them and adding more supportive people this is helping. but it’s true for me when I don’t feel well physically I am grumpier. my mindfulness teacher is helping me be more aware of my feelings and sitting with them.

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I can’t seem to control how I react emotionally. Seemingly neutral or even positive things make me unbearably sad or anxious, sometimes both at the same time.


Today I can’t control my laughter. My mom says something is wrong. She asks me what’s wrong and I laugh. Not on purpose. I don’t think she’s being funny. I just smile or laugh. It’s better than crying though.


Emotions is a hard topic for me cause i dont know what emotions are.


Emotions are like things that make you feel different than normal. Like if you normally feel one way all around, happiness will maje you feel better while guilt might make you feel like a worse person.

So emotion is a feeling in the body that makes you get new info about life? For example you feel something heavy in you chest and in a second you know you did something wrong.

How about love? What kind of physical sensation is in the body when after a second you know … what do you know if you felt that sensation thats called love?

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im great at outwardly hiding it but inside im a total borderline mess of a rollercoaster. i get so emotionally riled up over such minor things and get sent over the moon at small things or get full of rage over very small things. im really good at hiding it, though.


I don’t really know much about love. When I see my cat I always want to smile, but I doubt that’s what you meant.

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I am trying to get better about hiding it. It’s not going very well as of now.

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