I don’t have any hobbies.
Digital artist
Book reviewer
Movie reviewer
Are you looking for a hobby?
No, I am just curious to see if anybody has any hobbies?
Yes, fck all is my hobby. I done 99 %, you are the 1% can’t be fcked.
I like to read, mostly non-fiction, and lately I’ve been immersing myself in building YouTube playlists full of ambient music. Watch lots of documentaries there too.
Yes, I have hobbies!
Watching F1, Reading, Playing Chess, Listening to Music
I have loads … but often changing.
I study languages. Arabic, Spanish, Russian (Russian is haaaard!!!)
I draw, but lack the motivation to do so.
Playing guitar, drawing (occasionally), reading
Amateur broadcaster (run online station)
Watching bad TV and movies
Walking outdoors
Making fancy coffees and teas
Retro and VR video gaming
Playing keyboards and keytar (badly)
Petting the kitty
I have more things to do than I have time to do them in.
I have lost a lot of hobbies, but i still got these:
Growing plants.
I used to paint miniatures but that has gone by the wayside.
I now spend most of my hobby time on guitar. I will admit that I obsess with making progress quickly too much so its an obsession as much as a hobby.
I also walk the dog if this is a hobby, but have been neglecting it a bit since covid.
Not sure what else…
Reading (when I can concentrate that is!)
Visiting library or bookshops
Walking on beach or to flea market
Listening to music
Colouring in books (if I can’t concentrate on reading books)
Coffee with hubby
Talking to my bird or goldfish
Wrist watches
I was into knives. I still carry one, but would rather spend money on longboarding or watch stuff.
Other than those I watch a lot of YouTube, read, and cook a little.
I got lots of hobbies as well but certainly not crafthobbies, like producing something with materials ( wood, fabric, metal etc.)
I like to learn and watch people make things.
I lost interest in making things myself.
lately, listening to radio, any old tv i can catch and reading.
Qi Gong
Watching healthy living vlogs
Old period shows(Downton)
Community involvement
A little gaming(I’ve literally only played 2 games so far, but will be playing more now that the cold weather is coming around)