Do you have a thing about numbers since developing SZ?

I’ve developed some kind of thing about numbers. I’ve always been ok with math but not great but since being diagnosed SZ i have developed some kind of need to interpret or read numbers. I don’t know if its some kind of reaction to developing cognitive deficits that i’m trying to continue to understand information. I don’t have this when it comes to reading although. I read a lot less since being diagnosed.

Very much a constant trying to break down the code with sz. Comes up more the deeper in psychosis I get. When I start trying to break down peoples internet usernames on here I know it’s time to take a break from the internet.

Readings a difficult one for me. As seemed to of swapped books for the net. So hard to tell if I’m reading more, less or the same.

Its weird but i see the same numbers on the clock or in the past on my car’s clock over and over again 4:44, 1:11, 9:11 most often also i have a thing with time sometimes it feels like hours have gone by and its only been an hour or so and it really weirds me out that usually happens when i haven’t rested much and have been in a so called terrible psychotic state for several days or less…


The minds a funny thing. It’s like buying a new car you never heard of before. Then everywhere you look you see that make of car on the road. Those cars have always been on the road. You just never noticed before.


I try to ignore the numbers… if I don’t… I could get very caught up in them

7’s 9’s 11’s that spiral on and on…

11:45 is always on the clock.

11:11 is a very hard number to ignore.

Sometimes I think the numbers are helping me predict the future.


Its interesting because before SZ i would have only considered that maybe my daily schedule led me to be near the clock at the same times everyday preparing for work or whatever now its actually alarming to me.

I had a thing with numbers before I had schizophrenia, when I first developed OCD.

I like numbers like 37,21, and 11.

"Number 9, number 9, number 9. Creepiest Beatles “song” ever.

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This common happening among us seems to indicate that there are other forces at work in our lives that cause us to look at clocks at the precise time when they turn to the number in question. I say this because I remember having my back to the clocks when I subconsciously turn towards them and then also subconsciously look at the numbers on them to see whatever number I have focused on remembering, or, Like maybe the spirits of the departed just trying to comfort us in ways that only they can somehow, or may be it’s God or just a universal connection caused by there being that thread theory in reality being prevalent that we tap into subconsciously. Whatever the phenom is caused by, it seems to give life the feeling of order and to the universe as well.

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Can’t say I get interested in number codes and sequences but have been interested at times in assigning numerological values to words based on the A=1 B=2 C=3 etc model of numerology.

I like the numbers 3 and 7, its like they are good luck numbers or something. I think its something from my Christian days, as they were Biblical numbers, and three was the number of the Trinity. Now that I am Muslim, I still like those numbers. In Islam odd numbers are better viewed than even ones in daily life, not that Islam is superstitious or anything, I don’t know the reason why, really. I don’t know if it was since I developed sz or earlier that I liked the numbers 3 and 7. I had some OCD traits as well when I was a teen (and even now occasionally).

I have a bit of ocd with checking stuff . Like turn off taps 3 times . It’s so annoying

I can remember in my second psychosis I kept on and on about the number 7, and 7 times 7. I was convinced I would die at 49 - I’m now early 50’s - so far so good lol.

I’ve had a thing about 13:37h, though this comes from my gaming times that ended already before the onset of psychosis.

absolutely. once I was trying to decode the number of pictures people had on their Facebook pages. I thought those numbers had deeper meaning.

When I think back when I had first developed symptoms of delusional thinking that I would give every little thing great consideration and importance so as to fit it into my delusion, and everyone was also connected to the delusions I was having as well. I would either label whatever it was as being supportive of my delusion or it was just meant to make me crazy so I would then put everything either into the evil or good category. Every inanimate object was recognized as having a good or evil spirit attached to it as well that had the same effect.

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I use to become utterly delusional about numbers. I tried to decode parts of the bible. I took the number of the beast and tried to find it’s relevance to binary code and the fibonacci golden ratio. I did the same with people’s names and car registration numbers. Also the times on the clock radio repeated itself and I used to look at the exact time each day and night at certain times. I also thought I brainwashed with behaviorism so I tried to establish the time frames between various stimuli. It was hectic and not a period of my life I want to repeat.


Voice in my head goes the other day “mathematics is a useful language for you folks, it can save your world and do alot of good.”

So i began to develop a number thing when my first being showed up, the alien, which i don’t think is an alien at all but from another plane to be honest. It was 3 over and over again, the smell of sulfur ruminated at one point, later i found it was a common problem with this stuff.

Everything stopped though until my second psychosis/haunting/mental overtaking/mind invasion/possession/obsession. When it came it was 3 over and over again again. But this time it didn’t stop.

Repeatedly for years it was 3, and then 1111, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 616, 911, 144, 322. They speak to me unwillingly of course and tell me about a specific numbering system of theirs. Just the other day they began to prompt me to add the numbers in an address i saw, it didn’t amount to anything but they did say they were speaking of something real.

Sometimes ill be woken up at night and it will be 333 for instance, i shouldn’t have never watched the fourth kind which included this number and also levitation which was in my psychosis during an nde with other beings.

Now they are like “yeah, a coffee costs 1.08 at mcdonalds, why that happens to be an angle of the pentagram, thats wierd.”

It’s not me that has a thing with numbers, it’s them that has a thing with certain numbers.

I have a thing about numbers. different numbers have different powers to me. I also see and hear a being named 5 most of the time who tells me things.