Do you have a resting biitch face?

I can’t speak for all resting ■■■■■ face women but just cos I have a resting ■■■■■ face it doesn’t mean I will attack.

i think i have a resting angry face lol. since i was a kid people are always like why do you look mad? im like what? lol i think i just have a large eyebrow ridge or something (caveman gibberish) ooga booga

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People used to tell me I always looked like I had a smile on my face. So, I guess not. I really don’t see it though. When I take a selfie it looks like a :expressionless: face to me.




Why is my picture sideways!?



Chronic Resting Dick Face (CRDF)

Chronic Resting Dick Face (CRDF), a syndrome originally diagnosed for women as “Resting ■■■■■ Face” by the Internet and later found in a grumpy cat. Of course, like many maladies of the human race and face, it does not discriminate by gender.


The true name for resting biitch face is resting dick face haha

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No I don’t. 151515

I’m Fairly new here. What is 1515 etc?

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When you make a post it requires a minimum of 15 characters. That is just our way of meeting the requirement when we make a short post.


Try typing in a post under 15 characters and you will see that it won’t let you post the reply.


Well, sometimes when women don’t look happy it’s because they are not. There have been times when I’ve spoken to women at school, work, or wherever and they were not very pleasant. I just don’t want to put up with it (unless it is someone I care about). So I just steer clear of them.

I don’t know if I offended you or what but I wasn’t suggesting you are a bitchy person just because of your RBF photo. On this forum you come across as open, friendly and personable.

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I think I have a resting sad face…its better nowadays but years ago, I would be asked regularly, if I am alrright, I look so sad. It was part of my prodrome, I felt so lost and anxious, it made me look forsaken…I am better now these days…I think so

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I too, suffer from resting sad face. :pleading_face:

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You’re such a sweetheart I can’t even imagine you angry.


on a good day


lol thanks :grin: your too kind

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you give off haley 420 vibes,like back when she just smoked insane amounts of weed on youtube, now shes a pornstar, still cool tho