Do you have a potty mouth? đźš˝

My Mother always scolded me if I cussed when I was young. But I’m actually very thankful for that.

I only cuss when I’m super mad. And even when I do, I feel really bad about it afterwards.

Do you use cuss words? Or do you keep your vocabulary clean?

I’m no saint by any means. I’ll let one slip out now and then if I’m around dudes my age. But I try my hardest not to around ladies or the elderly.



Its a problem in my life.

I literally just got back from the pet store, when I was there, people were all over the isle I needed to be in.

So many people, just crowded all in the same place.

Its already been a weird day and I was kinda on edge anyway, but I made my way through this clusterfuck of jerks all to find that they didn’t have the single item I needed.

Without even thinking, I said “effing eff!” (you can’t even type the words! But you know what I mean).

Everybody looked over, I just said sorry and walked out.

I’m a grown ass woman. There really is just no excuse for it.

Its who I am, not stopping now.

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yeah I curse sometimes…

but not a lot and just never in my own language with friends.

I only curse in English :smiley:


Sorry to hear you’re having a weird day.

I had terrible nightmares last night. Not sure if it’s due to my own sub-conscience or if it’s the radio station I leave on at night.

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I called a guy

a pig :pig:
and a miserable jerk
and dumb jerk


I do not. I am well spoken.


@mermaid1! :open_mouth: What did he do to deserve all that? No, you don’t have to tell if it’s upsetting to ya. I’m being nosy :nose:

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nah it is not important. It is long time ago already but when i remember, I still say the same words.

I have met far worse people… but I want to forgive and move on, nothing is worth it.

This special guy likes to mock me a lot. He makes fun of me a lot and he also really enjoys humiliating me esp because of my mental illness. He is not the first one but it happened a few times. I have met a lot of guys like that who are in relationships who like to humiliate women.

I do not understand why people like to do that.

When i post about my bf on here, I think a thousand times not to say something bad about him. But I am human and get frustrated.

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Why that’s terrible anyone would treat women like that!

I’m sorry you had to go through this. :frowning:

I must say, I would have to “straighten out” a guy like that. (as we say in U.S. slang)

No. I’m not a violent person. But I believe in standing up to wrong.

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I swear in writing but never out loud.


Hey Jesspresso espresso! Have you started a journal?

I think I saw a thread about that the other day.

It could be the radio.

I can’t sleep with a radio or tv on for that very reason.

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In 1st grade I swore a lot. In my first reconciliation I apologized to the priest for swearing. Never swore again till high school. When I was smoking weed lately I cursed like a sailor. I think it was an anxiety thing. When my head was too foggy to say something I would say “ughhhh the mother f’ing…ughhhh” But ever since I stopped smoking weed I stopped swearing. I don’t swear that much when I’m my true self.

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i try to keep it under control, but sometimes the words do slip out. i think it maybe because i listen to so much bad language on the internet.i am certain that making that a regular thing in my life does not help.

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I used to swear a lot in my 20s to 30s when I was Manic.
I no longer really swear too much anymore.
I kind of think that it’s childish and vulgar.
Lots of people around me cuss a lot including my family.


exactly what I was thinking about myself, yhe internet and yes my famiy too. You probably spend alot of time with them too? i really should learn to dial it back.

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I use “f’ing” as a fill-in word instead of “uh” or “um”.
I also say “well I’ll be a soab” a lot when something goes wrong or if I see a nice car/my favorite vehicle (the new Dodge Durango 2012-present)

I still throw F bombs around. I try not to in public though.

No, I haven’t started one yet! I am feeling too lazy :sleeping::sleeping:

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I can control it entirely, so for example I don’t curse at all around family members