Do you have a good reason to smoke?

Obviously better choices are better, but maybe not that much better. I’m pretty unwell physically, and only really smoked a bit for the last month to deal with the dullness of life. Find it very difficult to get healthy on these meds


I’m manic as hell right now smoking cigs back to back. I’m OC


Bro take care…

Go to the hospital if needed…

Man… I go through this sometimes. I just have to let it pass I think. I’m afraid of the hospital honestly lol

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You know? I was a heavy hash smoker before sz and an habitual until 1 year ago.

Were you smoking weed recently?

I just stopped like 4 days ago. I think I was high for about a month straight. When I was high I wasn’t so fu cked up tho

I ran out

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Some people are more sensible to thc. I definetely am, and can feel myself on the verge of tripping balls when I smoke. Maybe in the moment, maybe some time later like you now.

I just stopped. I’m a grown ass adult and thc is not good for me

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Yea … It’s a hard one man. When my mind is right I like being sober more. I guess I need to relax man. Appreciate your advice bro🙏🏾

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You also have the right to have coral implanted in your skull to grow devil horns. Doesn’t mean it’s a bright idea.

Getting to healthy from unhealthy is difficult, period. For almost everyone except select freaks of nature, that is. It takes a lot of effort and you will not feel like you are getting anywhere for MONTHS. You just have to have faith you will move the needle. Keep at it and the needle does move. Slowly.


ok, but look at this: currently suffering from GERD burping acid constantly and dr prescribes ranitidine… just looked it up, causes cancer

should i take it or buy a pack of smokes

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I was on Pantoprazole for that.

I was able to taper off. It turns out I don’t need it when I am eating a healthy diet and being careful not to snack after 6:30 pm. Haven’t had to eat a TUMS for over a year.


why not switch to nicotine gum or pouches? thats what i did. the smoke just messed with my lungs too much.


I take that because of barrets esophogus caused by GERD that was probably worsened by Ozempic. Ah Ozempic. How much I love you. Let me count the ways.


I’d rather not be addicted and it doesn’t give me anything I need.

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I have discovered the secret to Saxenda is to eat very little meat. If I eat meat it is fish or chicken. Sometimes pork. Red meat is a very rare treat now. Like every couple of months because I know it makes me ill and I question if it is worth feeling that awful.

Obviously there are still blips like I had this week, but I am no longer belching non-stop.


true dude! yea its good you wanna quit. not discouraging you at all brother! I personally dont mind taking a bit of tabacco i see it as somethign thats ok in moderation. like having a drink. but like people with alcohol addictions sometimes they have to go cold turkey zero alcohol or else they drink too much. sometimes its like that with tobbacco. i dont mind having a bit each day it perks me up. good luck on your journey dude!

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All I can say is that it’s not something I would take unless I really needed it. If I were 10 pounds overweight , I wouldnt be using these types of drugs. I’d find another way. I know people like Sharon Osbourne who is thin as a rail were taking it for weight loss at one point.

You and I both have legit reasons for them.

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Exactly! I know I cannot be a casual or “social” smoker cuz I escalate to pack a day + very quick.

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yea dude i used to smoke a pack a day too… i know it sucks, i coudlnt even walk up a hill without getting winded. definitely way better to quit


Mine has no obvious cause such as diet. Honestly testing my will to live

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