Do you guys eat others food?

Do you guys eat others food? I sometimes eat my brothers’ and father’s or mother’s food, they get mad at me. Like when my brothers order pizza they put the rest in the fridge then when no one is there I go eat it. Also I just ate my father’s shawarma sandwich. He left it on the table for tomorrow so I ate it after eating my 2 shishtawook sandwiches. My family calls me pig of the family lol

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No I am very much a hands off other people’s stuff kind of person


It’s just me, so all the food is mine

Don’t actually have much at the moment.

I was supposed to go shopping on Saturday, but I was too mentally ■■■■■■ in the head


I am hungry all the time since having sz. Idk if its just the meds.

I’m with @Moon. I don’t touch other people’s stuff without asking, and I lose my sh*t when people do it to me.

I’ve had people reach over and just take food off my plate while I’m eating without asking, and it infuriates me. It’s entitled, rude behavior.

Fortunately, I, too, live alone, so this is not a common problem for me.


Whats the solution? Sz made me a pig.

It’s probably the meds


I was 135lb before sz. Now almost 300lb.

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Just ask first, if you can have the food.

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He wasn’t there and I was hungry so I just ate it. Now my family are mad at me.

No. I don’t like eating someone else’s food or leftovers.


Well, to be honest, I would be mad, too. It wasn’t yours. You should have found something else to eat.


I don’t eat lefovers either. The sandwich was intact and the pizza it was remaining whole slices.

Man my stomach hurts. I ate 3 pita sandwiches full of meat.

Eating someone else food really dangerous.despite the you can get various virus you can also can get dangerous bacteria called helicobacter pylori which can messed up your b12 vitamin levels followed by making iron deficiency lead to serious anemia.

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Nope. But I don’t share either.

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I’m usually careful to check with my wife before I raid leftovers in case she was planning something with them. Very important: happy wife, happy life.

My daughter is horrible for eating stuff that we were saving for the next meal. I miss her terribly since she went back to college, but it IS nice to know what’s in the fridge when needed.


I used to. It’s very inconsiderate. When I lived with my dad I had nothing to do all day while he was at work all day and I would eat a can of his corn or his chili. He would come home after a hard days work looking forward to a bowl of corn or a bowl of chili and he had nothing. He would be tired and hungry and he would have to walk to the store to get something to eat because I ate his food. It would piss him off. At the time I didn’t think it was a big deal.

Just two years ago I had roommate who would do that to me. I would get home from work looking forward to a can of soup or something but he ate it and didn’t replace it. It was very inconsiderate and I could appreciate how my dad used to feel when I did that to him.


Something like @Moon and lot like @Pandy

Dad and sister like sharing single plate while eating something. No way you guys. They would want to taste something while I am having it. Ice cream. Take your own spoon alright.

Dad tends to do that. Unaware that others are yet to eat. And he at times eats from container.


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