I think I can now say that I’m learning to not be jealous. By having empathy for others and also minding my own business. And also by understanding that I’m OK as a person.
It makes me feel good because jealousy can eat away at you.
Whichever form that may take. Like if I like someone for example, which I’m not sure if I do, but let’s just say I do for this. Then I can feel OK now with the idea that they are free to do as they please. Before, it used to make me feel shaken up sometimes. But it doesn’t make sense to be, when looking at it from an EMPATHY point of view.
Try to find contentment in what you have without reference to what others have. Try to accept yourself and your life for what it is. There’s always someone who has it worse than you.
I try not to think of those who have it worse than me cos then I start to feel like it might happen to me…
But yea… Contentment is so important in what I have, true talks.
I still do compare… But but I’m getting better at accepting me for the unique me kinda thingy and so the comparison is getting less of the detrimental type
I used to be jealous of a friend who became financially successful. We kind of started out together. But the guy wasn’t and isn’t very pleasant. He got ahead and I didn’t which hurt.
I get jealous but it also motivates me to apply myself to see other people accomplishing things. I’ve been in the process of changing my aspirations since sz.