Do you feel isolated?

How do you deal with isolation? I go to some MI support groups which helps, but I still end up spending too much time alone.

You can watch cable TV, like fashions, sports or documentary. I usually read books. But when my brain function is not very good especially tired, I do feel isolated.

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Sometimes yes
I try to get out and about through charity work and different courses

Hello, shellys12. When I saw a few familiar ID on this forum and read their posts, I felt happy and less isolated. It’s good that you are doing charity work. I just stayed home an did reading and writing plus some housework. Everyday I take a walk along a river nearby which is also a beautiful park.

Thanks green6
I also find this forum helps
Keeping busy and going out as much as possible helps

I feel very much isolated. I have no friends and at my age it’s hard to make new friends that stick around.

I also isolate myself. I don’t go out or make an effort to make friends. I get lonely, but I don’t feel it’s worth the trouble. I’ve been burned so many times and it hurts, so I’ve convinced myself I’m better off without 'em. I did make a new friend a month ago, but that’s already fizzled out (see what I mean about making friends that stick in your thirties)

I also don’t date and have resigned myself to a life of being single.

Not anymore then this planet seems to be in the universe. lol

[quote=“Tomasina, post:1, topic:35320”]
How do you deal with isolation?
[/quote]I just ride the tide. Just because I’m alone doesn’t mean I’m lonely. Quite the contrary, I welcome feelings of loneliness - I enjoy pure isolation. The non-human domain of life can keep me entertained & accompanied better than most humans can - birds, trees, the skies, breeze, light & darkness, etc. It’s impossible to genuinely feel “alone”.