I use a filter. I drank tap water until about 8 years ago
I made a thread a year ago about this. I live in a very populated place and the tap water tastes bad but it’s safe to drink. I’ve been drinking it for thirty years here and lately I prefer to make lemonade.
Where I came from in South Carolina the tap water is great.
I’m paranoid my water has been tapped
I drink water from the fridge. It’s filtered tap water but it’s cool and I prefer cold water.
I drink tap water.
I drink bottled water since the lake started turning the tap water fishy…blechh.
I drink around 3-4 litres per day. I prefer bottled water but do resort to the tap. Problem is, where I live has very hard water, and our particular road has the hardest of the hard. I once baked some water in a little glass Gü dish, and the residue left behind was shocking.
When Im unwell, I travel and fill up water from a public tap, add purification tablets, and live on that. I get paranoid that the tap water is being poisoned especially for yours truly here.
I drink only bottled. My tap smells like chemicals. I ran out of bottled water a few months ago and drank tap for two days. I was belching in the morning and had heartburn so went out a bought more bottled.
Yeah our fridges water feature broke, so yes, tap water now!
I rarely drink just water or milk…only in my coffees.
I was drinking normal tap water but a few months ago I got water filter so now I drink filtered water.
When I lived in the Gold Coast I bought alkaline ten litre water bottle but they don’t have that here.
It was magnificent!
Apparently the tap water has cancer chemicals etc in it .
Way more than USA allows.
Bad of the government to not take care of their people and allow such a thing.so that may mean it’s not the governments people because they don’t take care of them …