Do you drink coffee.?

i find i drink at least 3 mugs of coffee every morning, i OD on the stufff, do u drink it?

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I drink 1 pot a day. I really try to not go over cause it makes me sick.

I have 1 cup in the morning and 1 cup in the afternoon.

love the topic, but i have to admit i am a coffee snob.
i love the smell of fresh roasted coffee beans, i could inhale it all day long.
mmmmmm…take care

I drink about 4-5 cups a day. Sometimes it’s fresh ground coffee and others it’s those sachets(cappucino/latte/mocha/vanilla etc).

I drink a lot of it. It de-zombifies me for a while. I recently bought a coffee bean grinder, and I can taste the difference.
I just love coffee.

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I love coffee and tea. I drink about 3 cup of coffee in the morning and I switch to tea by lunch and by afternoon it’s the herbal teas.

My kid sis teaches swim lessons and a lot of parents give her those little 10.00 Starbucks gift cards so there is always one of those hanging around. I tend to drink more coffee when I hang out with the kid because she is a huge coffee drinker.

I love me some coffee! But I try to limit my consumption to 3 cups per day. When I was in college, and working full time as well, I would drink about 12 cups per day. Bad, I know. But it’s just SO good!



I love coffee…I drink about two pots a day.

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I drink three cups a day or one cup in the morning and a preworkout supplement in the afternoon. Workout supplements have the caffeine of like 2 cups of coffee but they dont dehydrate you like coffee does

I was a coffee snob, too. I used to drink Peet’s Aged Java And Mocha Java after that. It was freshly roasted the day before they shipped. The mailman toldme how he loved to deliver it because the aroma filled the mail truck. But I became addicted and didn’t like the feeling. And quit. More recently I ordered from Peet’s and the coffee wasn’t good. You couldn’t even smell it after opening the bag. Now I drink iced tea Plain old liptons.

I drink both regular and decaf.

Do you make it in the microwave?

French press is pretty simple so I can use that.

Im coffee all the time.

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Just a thought but dose coffee help when its a darker blend then lighter, I drink dark coffee for its ability to block back foods teast. Helpme with my schizophrenia. Oh and thanks.

microwave. My provider makes coffee in a pot for the house. My own is instant for extra.

i drink 2 to 3 pots a day. I’m definitely addicted

I used to do that. OK More characters

I don’t drink coffee but I used to. I’m trying to cut down on artificial chemicals in my body.