I still know somebody that I went to school with. He’s a workaholic. He’s pretty wealthy at this point. I haven’t spoken to him for over a year.
He’s not a very nice person. Which is probably why he’s sucessful.
I still know somebody that I went to school with. He’s a workaholic. He’s pretty wealthy at this point. I haven’t spoken to him for over a year.
He’s not a very nice person. Which is probably why he’s sucessful.
I compare myself with famous people. Like gosh they were successful at such a young age, i’m behind the ball, but I don’t compare myself to the successful people I know in real life…no.
Yes im going to be of those successful people even if i die im gonna do it…
We just got to do it right
Anyway last time I spoke to him he seemed miserable. Maybe the grass is always greener on the other side.
I compare myself with many people, but rarely extremely sucessful people. I don’t tend to measure up very well.
You’re the opposite of me then. I compare myself with people I shouldn’t.
Well I have compared the synths in my music to Oscar Mayorga of Hocico. Hocico is pretty huge in Aggrotech. But mainly I compare myself to normal people or high functioning mentally ill people.
@IndustrialLad I want to tell you, don’t get upset about these comparisons.
It is OK to compare for fun but don’t take it seriously.
Because each person has their own situation, and you don’t know what a person can do
until you live in his skin.
In other words you don’t really know what other people are dealing with,
so comparisons are not worth much.
True. Good post, Erez.
their “success” is misery in disguise. how could anyone compare or envy them?
Fermented with ■■■■■■■■
I would like to be rich. Own my own jet plane ️ it costs a million bucks to own the small one. Where would i park it?
By reminding yourself that everyone else has the same insecurities. Everyone at times worries they aren’t good enough or are comparing themselves to people they think are better off. Sometimes even people are jealous of each other without knowing it!
Also everyone has different challenges and circumstances that affect their life paths.
I don’t compare myself to anyone…at least not anymore. I just try to focus on my goals.
No one I know can compare to me, I got sza and they don’t. Yay
I just compare to what iam now and what I use to be…
When I was a kid there was this guy who was the ultimate milk toast. He was really nerdy. Everyone looked down on him. He didn’t get beat up or anything, but he did get pushed around. One time our sixth grade class was at the skating rink, and this girl skated hand in hand with this guy. We all marveled that she could do that. One time I was in this park with him, on a see saw. I swear, I didn’t mean for this to happen, but I popped my side of the board very moderately. He went up in the air, fell forward on his face, then grabbed the board and turned over so that he dropped onto the ground. He went straight home. One time in high school I was smoking a joint with a friend, and this guy drove by. My friend and I marveled at what a pointless, lonely life he lead.
This guy went to college and became a successful accountant. One time I walked past the donut shop, and I saw this guy looking at me the way I used to look at him. Just yesterday I was thinking that the world now looked at me as the poor unfortunate person, and at that guy as the upright success. It was a painful realization.
I just try to live my life and not bother anyone, at this point in my life I don’t really care what others have or do
I have a couple friends that have done well for themselves. A family of their own, a well paying career, a mortgage, and health. Because they are friends, I’m genuinely happy for them and blessed to have their acquaintance known. I don’t see much value in comparing myself to them though, although sometimes I do ponder and wonder where some people would be if they were diagnosed with mental illness. It’s curious that we see so few successful szs. mostly in academia (nash, saks) but no one stands out in business. not to toot my own horn, but I’ve managed to be at my current job 2 1/2 years in a somewhat high stress, cutthroat industry-sales. I’m very proud of this, and I do not need to compare myself with another to I know I’ve done ok for myself.