Do you collect things?

I’m not talking about hoarding, but a collection of things you like.

I collect a bunch of things, but over the last 6 months I’ve begun a hat collection. I currently have about 20 hats (newsboy, spitfire, bucket, derby, fedora, duck bill, among others). The strange part is that I don’t have a clue as to why I’m collecting hats (I don’t like to wear hats in public), so I have to find my motivation for collecting hats.

Do you collect things? Any reason for the collection?


I collect problems like a squirrel collects acorns.


Does dust count?

Or my video game collection? :stuck_out_tongue:


I collect lotsa things, and keep them in jars on my windowsil.
I have some common things, like seashells from a beach, marbles from when I was a kid, and coins.
Then I have some, er… odd stuff. Very odd.
I have a jar full of braided hair,some very long, from my haircutting days.
A jar full of toe mail clippings, fingernail clippings…really.
Then there are the briggt shiny metal things I find on the ground.

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At one time I had a pretty good coin collection for a kid my age, but I pawned it for drinking money. I didn’t get much more than face value for the damn things.


I used to collect books, DVDs, and CDs. I’ve gotten rid of that, but still collect too much in the way of electronics and antique cameras. I’m trying to pare down the electronics I own next as I can’t possibly play with everything. The antique cameras are staying.


Cool question!! No, I don’t collect things.

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I used to collect bobblehead dolls of baseball players! Still have them. Now I collect quarters (25 cent coins) I have about 100 in my cars ashtray laying around there when I get change at the store I put them there. Ok that was a lame joke. But bobblehead dolls!!!


Sorta… just souvenirs from other countries. I don’t have a big collection right now because my place is small.

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I used to collect star wars stuff before I was hospitalised. Ebay was my friend lol !


I have a sizable collection of odd knickknack type things.

Also dogs, I have three dogs.

It feels like a collection.

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Ive been collecting souls… friendsthat is… i have 5 now i can really call friends…


I call collect. Does that count? 1-800-****
But for real I have this thing for the artwork in comic books. Has to be stellar for me to buy though.

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I collect clothes but that probably borders on hoarding.

I also collect seeds and feathers and leaves my dead nana sends me.

Mr tutle collects books and sometimes he collects books for me. He’s a bibliophile. I’m a clothesliophile (scientific term) :wink:


I used to collect things off of the street as I thought they were messages and signs for me. I kept in a small bag with me at all times.

Don’t know if that counts but yeah

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