Do you collect anything?

Like many of the good topics, this one has been done before, but it seems like a good time for a reboot. lol.

I collect guitars and related items. That is really the only thing I currently collect.

What do you collect, if anything?


My number one guilty pleasure is collecting books. If I see a nice one in the variety of genres that I read then I snatch it up. Comic books included.

Everyday I look at the pickings online and whenever I hit up the thrifts it is the books I go straight towards.



I have been wanting to sell my old childhood/early adulthood comics for awhile. But the prices are just soooooo low on Ebay, I feel like I’m better off keeping them until a later date. I have like 2 bins of them. I have been close to just selling them cheaply in like a pack of a dozen or so. I even started making a listing but decided to save it for a later date when and if I’m sure I want to let them go cheap.

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If you have collectible comic books from a good era you would be better looking into a dedicated auction service that caters to comic book fans and collectors. I don’t recall what the auction service takes as a commission but they generally sell better stuff quickly.

And if you have something really good don’t be afraid to send it in to get graded.


Thanks @ThePickinSkunk . Thats probably a good idea.

Now if I can just overcome my laziness and actually do it :thinking:.

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eBay just ruins the whole,comic book experience imho.

Btw can you give me an idea what you have. Just curious.


Vintage film cameras and select analog photo equipment.


The struggle is real and I hear ya.

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Yeah, I had two boxes of old comic books from the 60’s and 70’s. I thought they were worth a lot but I went to a comic book store and sold them and got about $9.


I have stuff from both the 70’s and early 80’s from my childhood and also stuff from the late 80’s early 90’s when I started reading them again for a bit.

Most of the later period stuff was Marvel.

As far as specific items, I’m not sure I can recall much off the top of my head. I know I have a couple of the first issues of the 70’s star wars comics. I have quite a few first issues of stuff in the late 80’s and 90’s as well because I was always sure to pick up number 1’s when I saw them. In my late teens/early twenties I went to the comic shop frequently to get the new issues. I also later had them mailed to me.

On the later stuff, I remember reading various spiderman, the avengers, the avengers west coast, x-men, thor, x-factor, she hulk, hulk, wolverine…probably quite a few more, but my mind is blanking. IDK…its a lot of issues to cover.

Edit: I tried looking for my infinity gauntlet issues because I thought they would be worth more because of the movie, but I couldnt find them, unfortunately.


My dad had a comic book collection from when he was a kid in the 1930’s and 1940’s; it included the original first Superman comic book. When he went in the navy he stored all his childhood toys and comic books at his stepmoms house and the evil witch just threw everything out. He had a bunch of original Lionel train sets that she just tossed. That stuff would be worth big bucks now.


I hear ya. When I was psychotic I sold a lot of my possessions, including childhood stuff, and gave the majority of the proceeds to charities.

I also lost a bunch of stuff when my aunt moved to a new house it would appear. I had some stuff stored in her garage that was never retrieved.


I threw out a lot of stuff when I was psychotic, too. One of the “packages” was any of my clothing that was red.


I collect Alien action figures and related items. Also collect videogames and books. I like good deals on those items.


as in the movie Alien? Or just action figures that are aliens?

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The movie. I’ve been a big fan since I was about 6 when I first saw the movie.


I rarely collect anything. Like i cant think of anything ive collected in over 20 years.But this year i decided to collect some old snowboard jackets :blush: I have 4 at the moment. And I also got some old vhs bike tapes. All off ebay and other used online stores.

I guess you could say i now collect nostalgic items from my teen years :sweat_smile:

I just learned about some place in usa called “the bins”. Its a thrift store that you look through bins of stuff and can find cool things.


I collect martial arts instructionals, all digital, they are awesome.


I collect games and games systems. I don’t really have the space to play them and because I go to bed early I’m not really in the market where people play them but I like reading about them. When I was psychotic I got rid of a really good rpg collection to an ex bro in law. Years of collected stuff that would have had some value now years later but such is the breaks.

Anyways. I’ve all the core D&D 5th edition and most of the starter sets. I just got rid of a heap of Flames of War but still collect and paint Bolt Action a ww2 historical miniatures game. Keeps me happy.


No nothing. I have some books. And sometimes I see something I like in the second hand shop, that I buy. A heavy old silver candle holder. A set of three old irons to smooth clothes. The one you put coals in or put on the stove to iron. That kind of things cost me a few euros only, and I like such old things. But I have no collection.

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