Do you collect anything?

I used to collect stones when I was a kid. I loved geology.


I collect money :moneybag: :money_mouth_face: :money_with_wings: :relieved: :sweat_smile: :crazy_face: :moneybag: :money_mouth_face: :money_with_wings:

*Airhorns *


I guess vinyl and dvd’s, but I decided to only use a fixed space for it, so sometimes I have to sort out the stuff I least want to fit new stuff.


Ive heard pokemon cards are good
I dont know which pokemon editions i should see.


I collect mp3 songs in which I have just under 19GB worth numerically counting over 2500 songs.


I have been collecting tiny glass bottles and glasses since I was a kid. I have some that were old when I got them and I got them 40+ years ago. My most recent bottle acquisition was a 2 inch tall antique brown medicine bottle. My most recent glasses were sets of cordial glasses, one red and one earth tones.

I’ve also collected boxes even longer than glass. Any box, any material. What do I put in my boxes? little trinkets and keepsakes and smaller boxes. It’s an obsession really.

My newest collection however is the best yet. It combines two of my loves, rhinestones and boxes. I just started collecting rhinestone covered trinket boxes and I love them. I’m leaving my collection to my beloved granddaughter. I think I must have 20 or something by now. Here’s some


Currently I’m collecting games. I collect rpgs and wargames but rarely play them. I just find reading the rules relaxing. I am planning to get some painted though and found a club in the city who play a system I’m getting into. I intend to get enough things painted to go and play some games with some other geeks of gaming.


I like coins and shot glasses
I also have like 80+ striped polo shirts in my closet
Camping stuff
Fishing stuff

And stuff :slightly_smiling_face:


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