Do you believe in Maslow´s hyerachy of needs?

I used to believe in this. You need to fulfill the lower steps to be able to go higher.

I was reading criticism and, according to Wikipedia, about “mentally ill and neurotic people”, Maslow himself wrote: “the study of crippled, stunted, immature, and unhealthy specimens can yield only a cripple psychology and a cripple philosophy”



Its true for anyone, not only for healthy ppl.


Governments of all countries around the world should be able to provide for the most vulnerable of its citizens such as us schizophrenics the first 2 needs which are 1) Physiological needs & 2) Safety needs.


I like and believe this theory, and also Jung’s theory of the collective unconscious. I’ve been at basic needs levels for like 7 years now. One day I’ll hit the top again.

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I made it between the yellow and the blue, but strive for the orange every day

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With sz I made it to the bottom two ones.

With good medication compliance and therapy, over time the sz gets more managable and you will start to achieve more

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@dreamer54 a good book that helped me to achieve more by retraining the way I think was ‘the brain that changes itself’ by norman doidge MD

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My parents provide me with the 2 basic ones at the bottom, I can’t get them by myself.

He said it at the time of his life. Maslov spoke what he knew at his time. The needs are current for everybody. I reached contentment and healthy reason. I am free to actualize myself. I am free to do what I want, cause I have reason. To my knowledge I don’t harm, even I am not vegan.

I agree that they have prioritized the list correctly, but I don’t agree that the order of needs remains constant. A lot of people will sacrifice 1,2, and 3 for esteem and self actualization.

I, as have many other students or basically anybody with a big goal will sacrifice at least one or two of the needs to reach esteem and ultimately their full potential. Be it not visiting anybody or going out to eat with friends for a while to train for a competition, or going without decent and nutritious food to save money for school.


Yes, I am mentally crippled and make sometimes poor descions like smoking, gambling etc… Some people are functional and make rational choices. But still i reached the level of satisfaction. I know more would lead into a mistake.

With my religion and my creative, studious, exercise, meditative, and other pursuits, I am actually in a self actualized state.

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