Do you believe in destiny

I everyone has a destiny in this world. Everyone is destined to something great. Dont be average please dont be the norm it sucks be something great. I want achieve a physique of bodybuilder while on antipsychotics i will make this dream come true. Sz wont stop me from my dreams and my destiny from this goal.


The world needs great people and it needs average people. For some, making it to average IS great.


okay i see your view, im not going to average next year though thats my goal lol. Im going rip and shredded.

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It’s great to have a goal, but try setting smaller goals in steps. The ripped and shredded goal is far from now, try breaking it up so you keep reaching each milestone and can really feel the progress. Smaller goals reward your brain faster


o yea have of course but the end goal in mind is being rip and shredded it feels so real to me that i can taste it, my brain has huge desire to achieve it. I workout everyday and eating right. taking supplements. can wait im so excited lol.

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Well, I wish you luck with meeting your goals

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Thanksi dont need luck, i do it from hard work. I always been hard worker all my life and never giving up attitude and positive attitude i will achieve this goal. thanks.

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im not sure if i believe in destiny or not. because i tried to move to a different place and start a new life but was prevented to do so. if i have a destiny, it must be to stay here, and make positive changes. my expectations are also much more limited than when i was young and wanted to take on the world. now im content to be vegetarian, try to be healthy, and work part time, and be a good citizen. that is enough for me. maybe i will do something more, but doubtful.

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dont say that, everyone has a destiny. I truly believe that. Try harder.

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