i think I read somewhere, maybe it was surviving schizophrenia. that the closest thing a normal person comes to experiencing what it’s like to be sz. is a lsd trip. well me, I’ve never done lsd, but played with mushrooms a couple times and find my sz. is nothing like being on drugs. I guess the closest thing would be struggling to think clearly when im clearly psychotic.
but really I don’t get any visuals all day, I do hear voices sometimes but they don’t really feel psychotic because I tell myself not to make a big deal out of them and im still rooted in reality. I think nowadays it’s just the continuing voices that make me sz. but it’s not like being on drugs for me.
From my understanding, schizophrenic symptoms are literally like being high 24/7, due to an excess amount of adrenaline in the brain oxidizing to adrenochrome, which is a psychedelic compound.
Psychosis for me is like being in a dream state. I don’t find any similarities to psychosis and lsd except maybe sometimes a feeling of transcendence. Or maybe that’s more dissociation. To me if I want to explain psychosis to someone I would tell them it’s like being in a dream you can’t wake up from. I wouldn’t tell them it’s like being on drugs, that’s doesn’t get the point across.
maybe I just have a different experience than ya’ll. the closest thing the drugs did was make my thoughts disorganized and incoherent. the drugs came with a bit of euphoria which I didn’t have when I was hallucinating. also my paranoia was much less severe when I wasn’t influenced by drugs, I could always rationalize my paranoia even when I was unmedicated sz. probably the paranoia and disorganized thoughts are the closest thing to being on drugs.
I was going to say I thought it was a normie exaggeration but maybe my experience is less severe. I was also a bit sober when I was at my worst, I could grocery shop, work, and hold a conversation even though I was hearing voices.
Mine wasn’t like being on drugs either. Oh wait the insanity curse. This was a curse which gave me physicals like you wouldn’t believe and made me incredibly thirsty. That’s the only part that I could compare to being on drugs. It was a trip man. The voices used it on me several times. That’s what they called it. My pupils dilate, sounds become like nails on a chalkboard. Whole body feels like the worst panic attack you’ve ever had. Very very irritable. Can’t breathe. Head buzzing feeling. Occulgyric crisis. Getting sick from the stress voices become really loud and unbearable .
No they are different experiences.
My drug trip lasted 2 days and was a hellish nightmare.
My last psychotic episode lasted for 2 months and was a hellish nightmare as well.
So they were similar in a way but the drug trip was short lived and moved quicker.
Psychosis moved slower and lasted longer.
Not sure tbh. But there are many examples of illicit drugs aggravating sz. The most I have ever tried was weed and it didn’t do anything for me so I guess I have no reference point.
When I started hallucinating visually I thought the government had given me LSD. I asked my doctor what they gave me expecting an answer and he just looked at me.
I have never done drugs knowingly unless someone really slipped me something when I had my worst break. so I can’t compare the two. But I sure have a lot of prescriptions. I didn’t take any meds before and now I have 6 scripts so I can’t live without my drugs.