Do you agree being sz is like being on drugs

I’ve done LSD several times, and always enjoy them…not that i condone it. I didn’t find it anything like being psychotic, because i still had good sense, i was just hallucinating visually and emotionally i was on quite a high. Psychosis for me is difficult to explain because you’re not in your right frame of mind at the time. I suppose, however, it is the closest you could get for a normal person.

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The only correlation to my lsd experiences and psychosis is how my mind races and jumps. The hallucinations on lsd are a lot more vivid for me…

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Mmm depends on the drug. Sz is in a class of it’s own for sure… If you take 1.5 grams of benedryl you’ll travel through cave systems crawling with spiders of all kind, then you’re family will be crucified on your front lawn and you won’t know it’s because of the drug. Hmmmm.


No. Lsd and hallucinagenics will make folk hallucinate but you can always talk people down who are tripping. Psychotic people you can’t. Not even close to the horrors of psychosis.

Seriously. Most folk around here do poorly on drugs. That is pretty much a reason why it’s nothing like it.


The hallucinations are probably really similar… I don’t know about the rest of it though.

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In terms of drugs I’ve only ever done mdma. It just felt like drinking alcohol without the lack of coordination.
It felt pretty cool in the start, psychosis, cos I was unaware of what this actually would all lead to. Likewise with drugs they felt cool in the start but like psychosis I would not want to go back there.

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A sz psychotic episode is close to riding on the back of Mr.deaths motorbike for weeks. No drug can achieve that. Total thriller for me. You can’t tell my face cause I am not an alcoholic.

I think bad experiences on drugs are very similar !

Its the same reason you cant trip on APs.

Apparently there is something like drugindused psychosis. Yes drugs cause sz.

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No they do not.

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Yes, exceptions confirm the rule.

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I have no idea because I have never done drugs in my life…

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I’ve only tried alcohol but from what I’ve heard about using drugs. My experience of psychosis spunds abit like being high, atleast the first psychosis.

They can trigger it for sure. This is fact

not always…haha

I agree with that for sure, there is no doubt about that, but they don’t cause schizophrenia.

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Sometimes I see colors so brightly, everything so acutely and sharp that it hurts my eyes. I also sometimes see things moving that aren’t moving. And everything vibrating when they aren’t.
I’m usually very “up” at these times, sometimes to the point of shaking. Is it adrenaline? I don’t know, but it doesn’t hurt me so I like it. I never did drugs, and these are my 100% natural “trips”, I guess. I never knew why it happened, but as I started learning about sz, after my diagnosis, I learned that other people with sz get that too.

That’s not falsifiable. With that premise you will claim anyone who develops schizophrenia after taking drugs was predisposed to getting it, but if they didn’t take the drugs they probably wouldn’t have developed it at all.

What’s more, certain drugs clearly weaken the blood-brain barrier, and with enough weakening of that barrier, any person will develop schizophrenia due to the chronic, severe brain inflammation being triggered.

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