Have people on here got better from negative symptoms? I think I have. Don’t feel depressed anymore. Maybe memory still not great.
Mine fluctuate over time
Mine fluctuate over time too.
Mine got worse I have the memory of a gold fish
Memory has gotten worse, but motivation has improved (thank you modafinil)
I think adding exercise has improved my negs heaps. Tried fish oil and other things but adding simple weight bearing exercise has helped heaps. It is also something you can add for free.
I do have to say at near to 50. Exercise really helps my sz or is it I’m getting older? I wish more people would try a bit younger for sure.
I have no negatives now.
I had severe negatives one year ago
I think the only reason my negative symptoms have improved somewhat is cos I’m on a lower ap dose atm.
But who knows maybe with time it would have still gone down, regardless of app dose, idk.
I’ve gotten a lot better since I started taking vitamins and caring more about where my life is going. Everyone has their reasons why they feel down, and sometimes it can be emotional as well as health. I think it’s a combination of having what’s good for the body, but also what’s good for the self.
Mine have gotten better. I get quite a few things done although I struggle to start projects that have a lot of steps. Some things like grocery shopping or taking care of my cat are pretty automatic for me. I still feel a little uncomfortable taking showers but I think that is mainly because I am afraid of losing my balance. If I feel unsteady or sick I sometimes wash my hair in the kitchen sink and use washcloths.
I generally plan out each day now although it almost always changes depending on family needs and other circumstances. I have to be happy if I get one or two really important things done each day.
I believe they come and go.
One year ago, I remember, I was saying “nothing helps with negatives, I will be like this forever.”
I was always lying on the couch watching whatever was on the tv. Stupid TV. Now I can walk, write my religious essays, my little book about my religion etc.
Everyday…I think the meds contribute to negative symptoms…Idk
How long did you have negatives for?
My socialising still need improvement.The rest of neg symptom sometimes improve,sometimes it get worse
2 years, or one and a half
Yes my negatives improved after lowering my dose. It took 2 months for me to notice significant changes.
I have something like negative symptoms but I don’t have Sz so I don’t know what it is. It feels much worse than motivation, line my brain is aging. I e had for years since sick but it’s getting worse. I dont know if it’s depression or from my meds.
I read AP meds cause you to not do much and be different. I have bp1, schizotypal, and gad. I take 15 mg Abilify. Should I ask my doctor if I should get off it? If not maybe I will. Did lowering your dose do much?
Lowering the dose improved my mental speed and critical thinking skills, so I don’t feel like a potato. Sometimes I run into… complications, so I ask my doc to raise the dose.
Honestly that’s a good question, I’ve recovered a lot from positive symptoms but my negative symptoms remain, so in my personal experience no, but it really seems like Ellen Saks must have recovered from negatives at some point for her to be able to function as she does, with paperwork and travel for her job and everything. Unless of course she never had negatives… I’ll have to watch that TED Talk again.
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