I was wondering if it was psychosis and not mania
I’ve found that stabilizers don’t stop my psychosis but they do stop the swings that can worsen and even trigger episodes.
Do you have sza?
They have kicked me around sz and sza for a while. I am technically sza, so yes. I like to say I just have psychosis with moods…idk why D:
My mum tells me I’m much more relaxed but of course it’s not even been a week.
Interesting, there is a possibility that it is working this soon. When I started taking my meds, my friend said that she noticed I was less sporadic and had fewer episodes in front of them. I think that was due to fewer mood bursts and crashes. However, I have had at least two crashes(basically extremely depressed and suicidal) since I started but not nearly as much as before.
I’ve been on Lamictal, it didn’t help me even though I get mood swings. I have sz, not sza.
I think lithium is sometimes added to ‘amplify’ the effects of APs.
I was on Lamictal until I had a rash. I seem to remember that it helped.
Topomax worked for me as a mood stabilizer, and a bonus headache reducer too.
I didn’t notice a whole lot of difference that it was leveling me out- not as many high and low spikes.
Then I ran out of it and my pdoc was on a month vacation, so naturally I procrastinated refilling it until I ended back up in the hospital.
It’s one of only two meds out of the dozens prescribed to me that I actually begged to get more refills.
I’ve been Dx’d SZ, SZa and a few other unsavory titles, just depends on which pdoc I see at the time.
I’m sza and they have me on both atypical antipsychotics and mood stabilizers (Lamictal)…etc…
I went for a few months stockpiling my antipsychotics and only taking the mood stabilizer, antidepressant, antiaxiety pills. It didn’t work by itself and I got all paranoid and stuff…went back on antipsychs after messing up a semester of school.
In conjunction with an antipsychotic, the mood stabilizer does wonders for my lethargy and depressive mood swings, though!
I started a mood stabilizer last month. It’s called EPIVAL. I take it with food morning and night.
I have delusional disorder with obsessive thinking disorder. I don’t notice much difference but a better focus.
I’m giving it more time now.
I am paranoid schizophrenic and I take Depakote cause I have mood swings yes…
Mood stabilizers work better for bipolar disorder than they do for schizophrenia.
Doctors are not sure of my diagnosis, but I am about to go back on Depakote because it works for me.
My moods are everywhere.
Mine too. I have spikes of euphoria laughing hysterically at almost anything, to bouts of depression and lethargy. I think I’m going to ask for a mood stabilizer
That’s a good idea @Minnii - good luck with everything.