Disorganised speech

Anyone else speak in metophors? Sometimes I do it because it’s a lot easier than normal language. Is this also what they call disorganized? Also, I tend to switch from topic to topic but they’re all loosely connected and makes sense if you listen. But it’s like…I know exactly what I’m saying, just not always where I’m going but somehow come back full circle. When I was psychotic, though, I couldn’t control it. Knew what I wanted to say, but the thought would keep looping and derailing.


I always tend to use metaphors and just around with my speech. It makes sense to me

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I tend to double my words. So my sentence goes from “the cat is running” to “the cat cat is running running” but now I normally do it only when I’m scared. But I also lose my words a lot so I’ll be like “did you know about Tim’s…” And for the life of me I can never remember what I was saying.

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Hahaa i blank out all the time. In my vlogs, the more cuts between sentences means i blanked like 20 times :joy::joy::joy::joy:


That would make a good hook for a song :joy::joy::joy::joy:. “The cat cat…is runnin runninnnnn”

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What do you mean by “speaking in metaphors”?

Exactly what it says…

For example a metophor is: I am a rose that grew from concrete

Something i’d say in day to day life: I’m in a box, and I can’t see the world if I stay here. Easy to understand because I’m not psychotic. Easier to say than “i don’t want to live at home anymore, i want to leave”. Then again that isn’t psychosis, or disorganisation in my opinion. The loss of control over it is.


I tend to repeat phrases and sentences over and over. This used to drive my mother crazy, when she was alive. She didn’t understand my illness at all.


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