Disability in Greece

If disability in Greece is 300 € and the average rent is 300€, how a schizophrenic is supposed to live independently?


@laros, where are you, mate?

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um…how do you get by? You would have to live with someone I guess, like a parent or sibling. I live with my sister. But I could live alone if I wanted to because I have social security that I paid into when I was younger and I worked.

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I haven’t taken the disability yet.
It doesn’t make any difference.

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Do you work? Do you live alone?

They dont have any housing vouchers or anything like section 8?

I live alone but in the same neighborhood with my parents. They give me money, they cook for me, they do chores for me etc.

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what a blessing

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A fellow schizophrenic told me that in Latvia disability is 76€ and rent is over 200. It’s a shame

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Bless your parents

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@Om_Sadasiva Just as bad in the Isle of Man aswell tbh

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Disability in Canada is $1200 and average rent is $1200.

That’s why people rent rooms for $500 - $800 here.

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US is pretty much the same. You get around $750 and in a lot of cities the average rent is close to double that.


In the U.K. my disability payment is £1300 a month and rent is £800 a month… I get my housing paid in full though.


I’m here :slight_smile:

I get 310 euros every month I also work but I don’t have to pay rent.
disability lasts for 2 years at the end of this period I must be seen by doctors again, so to continue getting disability money or not.

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Fortunately, I own a house, and i have no rent

Mine too. About 1100 a month tho. Rent is paid in full. They seem to wack me with a Council Tax bill tho of 35 a month - but i cant complain. I never went for the mobility part of PIP - didnt seem right as my legs work fine lol.

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Where I live disability is 750$ and the average rent is double that at about 1600$. They do have housing voucher programs so if I have to stay on disability I will be able to figure it out.

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