Hey guys i think i might have a problem with my concentration/cognition/memory/ability to remember the basic of a conversation. Cant talk about anything. Brain is blank. Everything is blank on my mind
I have a hard time trying to remember what i just talked with a persin about, for example i was at my pdoc yestersat and i dont remember anything we talked about. Is this problem temporary? I wss diagnosed with unspecifed schizophrenia in february and been taking resperidone since. I was in the psychward in april and i have been given perphenazine 8mg (currently taking resperidone 3mg with the perphenazine)
I cant seem to focus about anything, despite the fact that i watch a lot of series, i cannot explain what the series is about or how was it and compared to normal people that can have a long/short conversation i cant have one. All i reply with is Yes or No or just nod… Its like i basically forget everything within a second. Can it be linked to drugs? I have been smoking weed daily for the past year. Quit in february and i might have been in psychosis for a year before i quit because i was quite anxious and felt that everyones looking at me etc