Difficulty understanding others and expressing my self

Hey guys i think i might have a problem with my concentration/cognition/memory/ability to remember the basic of a conversation. Cant talk about anything. Brain is blank. Everything is blank on my mind
I have a hard time trying to remember what i just talked with a persin about, for example i was at my pdoc yestersat and i dont remember anything we talked about. Is this problem temporary? I wss diagnosed with unspecifed schizophrenia in february and been taking resperidone since. I was in the psychward in april and i have been given perphenazine 8mg (currently taking resperidone 3mg with the perphenazine)

I cant seem to focus about anything, despite the fact that i watch a lot of series, i cannot explain what the series is about or how was it and compared to normal people that can have a long/short conversation i cant have one. All i reply with is Yes or No or just nod… Its like i basically forget everything within a second. Can it be linked to drugs? I have been smoking weed daily for the past year. Quit in february and i might have been in psychosis for a year before i quit because i was quite anxious and felt that everyones looking at me etc

Welcome to the forum! I think antipsychotics can do that, and schizophrenia too.

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Drugs can exasperate psychosis. However this is common among schizophrenics who don’t even use any drugs. Maybe in time on meds and sober you’ll heal. Welcome to the forum!

I have that problem too. It’s so frustrating. I wish I could offer advice but I’m looking for that myself. It’s probably the worst symptom for me personally because it affects everything even off of meds.

Welcome and glad you quit the weed. Nothing shuts people up like keeping secrets so I’d guess that you have a lot on your mind but are not ready to talk about it. Let things germinate in your mind and in the right time, you will be able to explain and express without fear of reprimand.

Yeah whats the point of life if we cant concentrate about anything and understand anything at all

I think that a lot too but maybe theres something that can help

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