Diet & psychosis - scientific overview


It is quite a read, but for those who can handle that: there seems to be a lot of information in it about what works, doesnt work, what is proven and what needs further research. Im still mustering up the courage for a better read.


Looks like an awesome article.

I think i should change my diet in addition to taking supplements. Supplements only is not enough.


It has a heavy reliance on observational studies. This means studies that just ask people what they eat and how they feel. These sort of studies can’t show any cause and effect.

It’s impossible to know whether they feel bad because they eat bad, or if they eat bad because they feel bad, or if they eat bad because they’re out of work and homeless due to sz, or any number of other possibilities, including random chance.

Plus they don’t report control groups, so maybe the people are eating pretty similar diets to normies anyway, but this paper doesn’t make it possible to tell that.

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LS! Interesting for sure. It is good to know that with things I try like sulforaphane and astaxanthin I am on the right track. It is a pity though that nothing works really good. I found in the article the tip that fennel and pearjuice might work, that is an easy change.


I think mainly vegetables are the way forward and beans in particular are super good.

I believe in a strict diet because I’ve damaged my body so much up to this point in life with junk food and alcohol

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Yes, I think it definitely helps.

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