I would really not like that I’m just hoping I’m not unlucky.
No, very few people know I chat on an internet forum, and I certainly have never told anyone the web address.
I don’t think anyone knows who I am. I’m torn on how much I would care. Sometimes I’m more paranoid than others.
I don’t know why I concern myself with the most unlikely scenarios. Like for example oh maybe someone from my mental health group will discover me and then through that somehow my family will know too as if they would spread the gossip to my family. Eeeek.
Who cares?
I don’t know. Yhyhyhyh
It feels safe to be anonymous because I say things that I would not like to share with my family. For example.
I am very open. Everyone knows who I am and I don’t care. I’m not paranoid anymore. What are they going to do to me? No one knows my address. They can’t harm me.
I feel the same
I wish I did not care too but for some reason Id rather nobody knows who I am.
Stuff I post on here gets keywords to pop up in my news feed on yahoo. It’s really weird.
On another forum I frequented a person said smarter people tend to use forums. I think there are studies showing that.
That would be a nightmare haha. Actually I’ve literally had nightmares like that. There’s info on here about me I wouldn’t want most people in my life to know. Even if someone who I didn’t care if they found it did then I’d feel hesitant to ever use this again because I’d lose my sense of privacy.
I used to use one username for everything and people started finding me across different sites and even in real life due to that. I now use a different username on every site I register with.
I once sent my discord friends a selfie, and one of them backtracked it to the post I’ve made in the selfie thread here with the same selfie, and then asked me why I use this website.
I’ve been pretty open with them the whole time about my mental illness, so I just told him the truth and he left it at that.
Does that happen frequently? Thats weird yea, I imagine its a random coincidence though.
I posted something about being deranged. Then the next day a title with the word deranged is in my news feed. It happens all the time.
That is pretty strange. Though I doubt some person is purposely doing something there
I don’t think anyone is following me. Maybe just an online thumbprint or something. Don’t know how it works.
I know, googles wack like that lol! I think that’s it causes delusions in people sometimes and they get paranoid, but it’s just google searching for keywords
The thing is you also notice things you would completely pass over otherwise when you set your mind on them. For example if you start thinking about “real estate” you’ll start to notice the hundreds and hundreds of signs that you normally would have never even noticed in 1000 years. Might have just been a coincidence, if you’re 30 years old for example surely it’s going to happen a few times in your lifetime!