Destiny to suffer

My mom always says this: You may have psychosis, but that neighbour of yours have a broken marriage. You have psychosis, but then your neighbour has a physical disability. You may have psychosis, but your neighbour’s child just died.

To each their own suffering. Life is generally unfair for a lot of people.

Everybody suffer at least once in their lives. And you cannot weigh other people’s problems based on your definition of worse diseases known to mankind. Someone who is going through something else might be in so much pain that they feel like it’s their destiny to suffer.

So my answer to your question is: no, you are not destined to suffer. Life is generally unfair for a lot of us, even to able-bodied people. We ALL suffer.

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yeah but god also says we must suffer to reach heaven

there has to be heaven after all this suffering.they lying if they say there is no heaven.

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Think like this if your friend had great physical strength and mentally active and he easily passed the fitness and other test and got job in military. On the other hand due to disability and other weakness got rejected and you got sad and your friend happy as he got job. From this state your friend is happy and you sad.

After few months in a military encounter your friend died. Now from this end state your friend life ended due to his positive attributes but due to your weakness you spared from early death.

Life is also like this it appear unfair at different times but we can only make a conclusion after we reached the destination.

Suffering makes us noble

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Suffering humbled me and I learned that when you suffer you can help other people who suffer. I think it’s very selfish to sit in a temple in ultimate bliss while people get shot in the streets.

My brothers don’t suffer at all, they have it easy, no disease, living full life, making 80 000$/year, lots of friends, girlfriend, expensive car etc I don’t know how they’re suffering in that situation.

I can’t help myself, how can I help others then?

I agree, its logical that everyone will go to heaven.

I don’t mean to be rude, but there might be more hurdles to their lives. They may encounter something that may be difficult.

This is a nice story to watch regarding this.

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We’re fire fighting with death, and the only way to win through and overcome your challenges is to fight back and do the best you can with the body and mind you have.

People all have their issues, and as we age there will be more and more things that happen to us health wise.

Don’t rot in suffering. Build your way out of it.


Just by your presence. So that they know they’re not alone in their suffering.

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yeah maybe Om-Sadasiva…your a normal person right…I mean an education a boyfriend and such…like to chat…talkie??

Life is shtye unless you’re 1% of the population who is ultra rich and have yachts and multiple houses and nothing to worry about. The rest of us just make a good time and stay positive even through constant bad situations.

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