Describe your coffee routine

I like a cup when I get up, one in mid-afternoon, and one at 8:30 in the evening. But I cant always get what I like.

About a third caffeine to a full pot a day. I mix a few spoons of gourmet into a chunk of decafā€¦ coffee is a bit edgy with me so I mix it mildly

I make my own tall Starbucks black coffee every night and then stick it in the fridge and then drink it in the morning and then I come back from death


Strong coffee in the morning. Thatā€™s it.

Couple when i wake.

And a couple in the afternoon.

I stumble out to the coffee machine after getting, not necessarily waking up, exchange yesterdays grounds for fresh ground French Vanilla coffee, toss a cup under the drippy thing and push ā€œbrewā€.

Out comes a cup, add 1/2 tsp coffee mate & a bit of hazelnut creamer.
Back to bed, drink, sleep, repeat.

For me it cannot be considered as a routine but most of the day a cup or two of sweetless coffee

Just woke up

Drinking coffee now already

Itā€™s 3 am but I went to bed real early, woke up real early. Take care :alien:

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Use a filter cone
2 w soya milk in the morning

Optional 3rd cup later

Rarely a 4th

If I go out for a meal I have one when my man has a pudding

My coffee routine:

Make the coffee
Drink the coffee

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as soon as I wake up, I make two large cups of coffee and have them with a cigarette. Which is now :slight_smile:


The first thing I do when I wake up. I drink about three cups. Sometimes an espresso in the afternoon.


I just drank 3 cups too :laughing:


@Minnii Iā€™m coming for you for number of posts this week :laughing:

Canā€™t touch your post/likes received ratio though :no_good:

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Its because im here all the timeā€¦ when classes start that will end. Im liking every one of rhubots posts ahah shell be number one

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yeah iā€™m always here now because I stopped going to school and my volunteer job :expressionless:

but iā€™ve been feeling better as a result. also the medication gives me more insight to talk about stuff

my post count has never been near as high as the past week.

iā€™m gonna start going to the place for mentally ill people though so thatā€™ll be something to do.

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Thats cool. What do you do there?

they have groups, its a psychosocial club. sometimes they go on trips and do activities. they serve lunch for $1. coffee for 25 cents.

thereā€™s a couple girls there that are my age. one in particular was really prettyā€¦we went horse back riding the only time i did an activity with them and she was skeptical of me at first, then she heard me start a conversation and she began to like me and started making convo with me. man she was a pretty girl. i was feeling rather psychotic that day from drinking the night before (it used to cause this weird anxiety for me) and i was just staring at her the whole time, she was probably weirded out by that. itā€™d be nice to catch her on a day now that iā€™m feeling better and stopped from getting drunk :blush:ā€¦i was in a bad state of mind that day, but all things considered i handled it pretty well.


Horseback riding sounds really cool. I did it once loved it.

Good luck with that girl than :smile:

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You said you felt anxious the day after drinking- of course you do- everyone should.

This is because all psychoactive drugs have the opposite effect on your brain and mind when they leave the system. Alcohol takes about eight hours to leave. You pee and sweat and poo most of it out within 12 hours of drinking it.

Alcohol soothes my nerves, man. Every weekend I have a drink with my friends, moderately and socially, and well after my afternoon Xanax is worn off. Thursday night, my friends and I went to a bar and we all had a drink or two. I had a double jƤger on ice. My choice drink is Jack Daniels fire on rocks but they didnā€™t have it at that bar. It made me relax and loosen my tight ass up.

Itā€™s really okay in moderation and even, hey, this is real talk not the ā€œsurgeon generals warningā€ man- a drink or two socially is actually quite healthy, psychologically it is. Health wise, unless you are on serious ass meds like a benzo or sleep aid, or an old school antipsychotic like Haldol or Thorazine, itā€™s okay. Just wait five hours after you took your benzo to have a drink or else you are on the slippery slope of downers and booze- I would know about that crap. Not only passed an honors class about it, also done it myself :confused:

So yeah, say you have ten beers from 5pm to 10pm. That is legally drunk. The next morning probably wonā€™t feel good, and if you have a drink when you wake up, then you might find yourself in AA.

So remember that the soothing effect of alcohol has a mean comeback the next morning- it often makes people have a headache, have dark urine which might even burn upon going pee, you might have diarrhea, you will probably feel twice as anxious as you did before having the drinks the previous evening. Now one or two drinks shouldnā€™t do that- in fact, one or two should just make you feel a bit more confident and a bit more laid back. Thatā€™s great for social activity- thatā€™s why alcohol is often referred to as a ā€œsocial lubricantā€.

One or two drinks should not make you anxious the next morning. Donā€™t worry about that.

But I must say that driving on meds of any sort after any alcohol is not really okay. Get a friend to drive to be safe. Better safe than sorry.

Bottom line- you donā€™t have to be a completely clean and sober person unless you cannot, I mean are absolutely incapable of just having one or two drinks.

Also, drinking heavily wonā€™t make for good sleep. You will probably wake up five hours later very anxious and dehydrated.

What I just wrote was a synthesis of formal education and lots of personal experience. Trust me on the heavy drinking- it does more harm than good.

Now I know what itā€™s like when you are having a pretty psychotic night and you just want to numb that pain and get some sleep. Try alternatives before you drink. Iā€™m not dumb, I know that alcohol will put people like you and me to sleep when we are agitated. I sometimes have two beers at midnight if I am really just not okay and very agitated. Try exercise, say jogging or cycling if you feel a bad spell coming on. The next alternative for me isā€¦uhā€¦choke that chicken. After that, I think catharsis of what is eating at you, that is, getting what is bothering you off your chest is a good idea. Some people say to do this before examining alternatives like the ones I ahem just mentioned. I think itā€™s too difficult and time consuming for scz individuals. Try writing your thoughts in a journal until you see what is wrong written down and then express your feelings about it. Write what you feel. The alternative to writing (I understand being too paranoid to write anything on Microsoft word or on paper, dude) is to just talk to yourself or imagine that you are talking to whoever you are being upset and disturbed by.

I do this stuff all the time.

Good on you for joining the group of people you identify with. Thatā€™s really good. I say keep going to the mental health group. Meet people who wonā€™t be judgmental because they have similar problems, be yourself and have a good time.