Describe your coffee routine

I wake up every morning use my Mr. Coffee. I got 2 pounds of folgers special brew for about $5-6. It’s good. Occassionally I’ll get iced coffee from dunkin donuts but not as much lately.


Whatever is on special offer - instant - a fairly decent one - loads of it all day long - sometimes all night long as well - with rice milk as lactose intolerant. No wonder I can’t sleep lol!

I keep it to 2 cups a day now. One spoon of instant in each with milk. I don’t drink it past 3pm. I used to be a heavy drinker of coffee.

Around 7 am
Then at noon.
Then in the afternoon
And around 3 am.

Nescafe Gold here. Not mad on it but bet I couldn’t go without it. Never notice myself feel anything from it. Had 2 cups today.

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Here in beirut everybody drinks nescafe my cup. It has too much sugar but im drinking along. I bought two iced coffees for 13$ the other day i thought it was expensive.

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I have 2-3 cups of black coffee in the morning. Then i have a nescafe at 11 am. Then i have turkish coffee with my mom at noon. After lunch i have another cup of turkish coffee with my mom. At 4 i have a cup of nescafe with friends at a coffee shop. At 8 pm i start on alcohol

[quote=“turningthepage, post:1, topic:33355, full:true”]Yours?

I don’t drink coffee. :hatching_chick:

I used to make a pot of coffee before I went to sleep at night. Then I would guzzle it down cold in the morning - about five cups. For a few years when I was on Haldol I’d take forty mini-thins with my five cups of coffee every morning. Then I would drink five more cups of coffee during the rest of the day. That was the worst shape I had ever been in, physically, but I was surprisingly mellow during that time. That combination of substances gave me a pretty mellow head. These days I just take caffeine pills. It’s cheaper and easier. I take two 200 mg pills a day. Every once in a while I will drink a pop with caffeine in it during the day. I’ve heard that 400 mg of caffeine a day is the maximum you can take without doing damage to your health.

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I’m using Nescafe Gold at the moment - oldie but goody.

2 table spoons of nescafe instant. A bunch of sugar. Half of the cup is milk. And nesquik chocolate syrup :slight_smile:

Stare longingly at bag of coffee beans for about five minutes. Sigh. Make a pot of tea instead.



I drink three cups every morning then that is all. My big problem is drinking Diet soft drinks all the time. My body is to addicted to go off of it.

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clean coffee machine…( rinse through )
warm coffee machine for 20 mins
warm cups on top of machine
froth milk
grind coffee beans …fresh
make double shot cappuccino… :coffee::smiley::rainbow:
have with a slice of cheesecake and cream…:blush:
take care :alien:


The way of the sith sounds pretty excellent if you ask me. :blush:


Sitting here tonight I’ve got through 3 litres of diet coke - coffee and coke - addicted!

I have been drinking Instant Coffee lately - Place a cup of water in the microwave, add a couple of teaspoons of instant coffee, and Voila - A hot cup of delicious Instant Coffee!


I make coffee in the morning; I have two cups. I’m not really satisfied with the quality, but hey, I’m poor.

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fresh ground Gusto Crema (local small batch roaster) … French press… with breakfast…

Tea the rest of the day.


Once a month when I feel the urge to have hazelnut coffee with almond milk sweetened by stevia. But i make coffee for my dad daily he likes sanka decaf instant with stevia. Same goes for ginger tea from ginger root once in a while. Same goes for the chamomile tea, cocoa, etc. Once in a while. But i am a heavy ice water drinker. Don’t like getting dehydrated.

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