I’ve had symptoms of both major depression and schizophrenia (negative) for a couple years. I’ve recently been seeing my pdoc, and she diagnosed me with psychotic depression. But I have most of the negative symptoms of schizophrenia (not so much positive symptoms). Is it easy to be misdiagnosed in this regard? major depressive disorder vs. sz
I find the difference to be in mood. I don’t really feel depressed but I still have the negatives.
I tried telling my pdoc that it’s more of a feeling of nothingness, than depressed. But she insisted it was depression
You can have depression even if you haven’t the depressed mood.
Depression is some serious ■■■■ homeboy. I suggest you look into that ASAP. I’ve had it for years and yea it feels like negative symptoms but they go away when you treat the depression ese. So there you have it
it’s been a slow crawl to the deep end, and it feels like the meds are hardly working. Anhedonia is a bitch
Does someone in your family have sz? How long have you been depressed?
no one in my family has sz, that i know of…but i do have 3-4 family members with major depressive disorder. I would say I’ve been depressed for the last 5 years, with having a psychotic episode just recently in December
You could try to seek a second opinion if you think that your treatment is inefective and your psychosis doesn’t get better.
thankfully my psychosis has been under control with the help of risperidone. I guess I’m just unclear on the difference between depression and negative symptoms of sz – they both seem very similar to me.
Same here bro…
Yes they are very similar, I think that the only real difference is the (optional) sad mood and maybe other subtle differences in the onset (sz is usually progressive with a long prodromal phase).
If you are depressed at all, then it is not negative symptoms, it is depression.
Prodromal schizophrenia is not uncommon to be misdiagnosed as depression.
There is certainly a gray area, especially when it’s a gradual process (in my case). Having the ability to articulate all of the symptoms to a pdoc is not easy
My problems started with a depressive break with paranoid undertones. It isn’t surprising.
Most schizophrenics suffer derpression as well. It’s like 80-90%…it’s that common.
These days it’s about treatment and less on labels. You might find, as with most of us, that your diagnosis may change over time with the progress of the disorder. It’ll become clearer over time…meanwhile take the medications. That is the best thing you can do and don’t worry about the end game yet. It depends on your symptoms over time. That is where it gets a little complicated.