I had to change my glasses RX after 3 different ones, but it’s been too long to remember which ones.
What they did from 2007-2012 was try me on everything antidepressants, APs, the one from BMS got me a few that were not FDA approved but were Europe approved. But with reactions, full out allergies, or just not working on anything or helping I was switching drugs or maxing doses every 2 weeks. In 2012 we finally went back to Zyprexa and Prozac, aka Symbyax, but we did the zyprexa and prozac so we did doses that were not medically healthy or smart, but I was zombies but didn’t sleep…it was hell and I did that until March 2019. The reason we stopped it to begin with is after I tried it back in like 2010 my triglycerides ended up at 1500 after a month, my cholesterol was really bad, etc. And I was in SD in a town where nearest fast food or restaurants were 100 miles away, and I only made that trip when I was forced other than once a month when I went grocery shopping for the month.
I was on a ton of anticholesteral meds, after that month. And the weight gain of 70 pounds in a month. But I went back on it when my GP begged me to just pick something as it didn’t mess with my blood sugar numbers, and she like the triglycerides numbers, esp since a normal number is like 150 or lower, but since we could move dosages around she did what she could. When I moved to WI in 2014, I went thru 3 pdocs in the office by 2016 because they do not stay with Mercy Health. I got that woman pdoc, she was just as evil as the one from BMS in SD. She’d get her heart on a drug that was new, and just change me to it no talking, our RX is all faced over to Walgreeens, so she’d say pharmacy will explain to you when you pick up. I finally told her March 2019 I was done with meds. I weighed 270lbs, i had dieted, i had been going to gym etc. That ■■■■■is the reason I took Vrylar and even though my throat and tongue swelled up, she insisted to try this and then when she saw my physical reaction the next week she said take 12 benadryl a day, upped the dose. I did that for 6 weeks, then i dropped her as a doctor and the med and did as my therapist who saw me every other week said to do. Therapist filed a complaint against pdoc as a professional colleague, I filed against state license board and Mercy itself. I ended up in August 2019 in ER in such a panic attack as I was unable to do anything but drool, because tongue took up my mouth, and I thought I was gonna die. So i went to ER and they assumed my panic attack was drug withdrawal from street drugs, i started throwing up uncontrollably and my husband had to tell them to ■■■■■■■look at the physical reaction. It took them 2 hours before they did a blood and pee test to check for drugs and they were not believing it came back clean. But the nurse came and did a hip injection of an antinaseau med which stated you have to be standing or lying flat to receive in hip, she had me hunched over a bucket, and the needle went in wrong and the stuff ■■■■■■my hip joint. That is when i lost the ability to walk at 34 years old. I’ve been on a cane since then, but I’m bed ridden pretty much.
That’s why mynpost about pain management the other day was my good news in so long, and i framed the ■■■■■■■letter i got from Mercy this March saying Kirmani Moe lost her ability to practice psychiatry in our county. I got a new pdoc back in October and she’s wonderful, but i take my husband to every appt to every doctor now, because he oks or says no to things. But we found out after i filed against K Moe she was still allowed access to my files and she put notes in saying i had kids that if my husband ever decided to dump my ass i shouldn’t get anything but court supervised visits, and just notes that were to ■■■■me over lifewise. Current pdoc could see the dates things were entered so she had to file with Mercy for inappropriate access to revoked permissions on a patient file, and we found out she looked up my son’s file too. So i went scorched earth as did my husband and we went after Mercy healthcare. I ended up getting a bunch of bills removed, but we had to keep the notes K Moe put on so that we have that as court was brought up, since Covid happened i don’t know if we’ll ever end up as part of the legal case against her, but if they ask for say a written statement I’m ratting her out. We got Walgreens to flag certain drugs to be kept available copies of what her doses and reasons were so they can be printed to take or be given as evidence.
I don’t like when you intentionally misdo your job, she wasn’t looking to help anyone, and it wasn’t just us that did complaints.
But i am doing my 4mg of xanax a day, plus 2mg prn if needed extra, but my husband and I attend therapy appts together, and see pdoc together, and we’ve got pain management now, so we’re getting things together because yeah I’ve lost 130lbs and all that, but I just stay in bed. My kids are 13, almost 15, and 16, they basically just do their thing right now. Lockdown is until June here now, so john and I do groceries once a week, nothing else is open, and that is my moving for 2 hours a week.
Sorry, this got long, but I woke up as it’s pain med time and saw you responded to me. I’m gonna take my meds and try to sleep until 7pm.